perl module Mail::Sender deprecated?

Holger Kipp Holger.Kipp at
Wed Dec 5 14:22:27 UTC 2018

Dear perl maintainer,

I noticed that Mail::Sender is deprecated and "should be replaced with Email::Sender" 
(after I upgraded my test system from 10.4 to 11.2, updated all installed ports and 
started my perl application).

Is there a reason for this?

Why the depreciation is irritating to me: Mail:Sender is working very good, is doing
what I need (including multipart messages, mixed, alternative etc.), is well documented
and provides the result string from the contacted email system (sendmail, postfix etc.)
including queue-id which is required for tracking.

So far I haven’t found any documentation for Email:Sender to achieve the same.

Best regards,
Holger Kipp

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