p5-Net-3.08,1 fails to configure....

Michelle Sullivan michelle at sorbs.net
Wed May 18 00:58:00 UTC 2016

Henk van Oers wrote:
> On Tue, 17 May 2016, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> [...]
>> The port doesn't support Perl 5.8.  The upstream software may support 
>> 5.8,
>> we, The FreeBSD Project, do not.  We only support the supported 
>> releases of
>> Perl.
> ACK. OK.
> Sorry Michelle ...
Don't worry about it Henk, I already knew the answer.. I've just been 
fishing for statement of this type of policy for a while.

It basically goes:

You will run what we tell you, or it'll break and you won't get support.
If you don't use what we tell you we'll break it for you when you try 
and security patch.
We're doing it to make things better for you, really, trust us.. no 

Which is basically true....

FreeBSD has so badly f**ked over a load of us that we're looking at 
alternatives, personally that has been a look at fixing all the 
breakage, which "the current ports tree cannot work with pkg_* tools" 
statement I well and truly proved wrong... I have a ports tree that is 
almost working perfectly .. just little crap like in my tree I have 5.16 
still there and that means you need to install other modules as deps...

I've got staff and money available now to dump freebsd from all the 
servers I have and turn everything over to ops and centos... which means 
I can stop sys-admining and get on with developing... though I am also 
discussing with some ex-FreeBSD people about running up our own version 
of FreeBSD that actually works, is to weighed down by every man and his 
dog code and doesn't screw over the people using it...  However, I just 
got diagnosed with Cancer, and a Cancer that means I'm getting op'd on 
at the end of the week then we find out how long I have and if I have 
many years or just months... so the whole thing might be mute and me not 
giving a s**t.

But that said, if you're interested, I'll add you the list of people I 
need to mail if I step up with the others and create our first version.

All the best,


Michelle Sullivan

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