LAST CALL: Financial Statement Demystified - June 26
Jhie Tejada
jhie.powermax at
Mon Jun 22 07:41:59 UTC 2015
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The seminar is designed to enable the participants to become
discerning readers of financial information and gain a practical
understanding of how they work, learn how to interpret them how to
use them to make business decisions and evaluate performance. It will
likewise then an insight on how to detect fraudulently misstated
financial reports
* To impart working knowledge on how the four basic statements are
prepared and how to read them.
* To equip participants with tools for an in-depth analysis and
intelligent decision process that will improve the organization's
bottom line.
* To analyze trends, conduct industry comparison and spot financial
problems before they become insurmountable through the use of
financial statements analysis techniques.
* To use enhanced knowledge of financial statements in developing
financial projections.
* Understand the basic concepts and techniques of financial analysis
to make informed decisions and get better results.
* Be familiar with balance sheets, income statements, statement of
changes in equity and statement of cash flows.
* Become comfortable with the the language of finance thereby
gaining the confidence to better communicate with accountants,
bankers and other finance professionals.
* Understand finance terminologies and gain knowledge on how to
project future growth.
* The Basic Accounting Principles and the Accounting Cycle
* Underlying assumptions and principles accountants use when
preparing financial statements
* Users of financial information - who they are and what they need to
know The accounting cycle
* Difference between management and financial accounting
* Introduction to the Four Basic Financial Statements
* Why are financial statements necessary
* Objectives of financial reporting
* The four basic financial statements, a preview
* Relationship between the four basic finanicial statements
* The Balance Sheet
* What is a balance sheet and what sets it apart from other financial
* How accounts are classified within the balance sheet. Current,
fixed and other assets
* Current, long-term liabilities
* Owners' equity
* The Income Statement
* Components of an Income Statement
* Different formats for Income Statements
* Additional issues about Income Statement
* Gross profit compared to net profit and draw conclusion about a
company's operating environment.
* Statement of Cash Flows
* Basic format Categories of cash flows
* Profit Not equal to Cash (and you need both)
* Why cash matters
* Reading the Financial Statements
* The auditor's report and FS footnotes
* Audited vs. non-audited FS
* Reasonable assurance vs. absolute assurance
* Material misstatement in the FS
* The Standard Audit Report
* Modification to the Standard Audit Report
* Management responsibilities vs. auditor's responsibility
* Footnnotes to the FS
* Analysis of Financial Statements
* Caution about financial statement analysis
* Information to gather for financial analysis
* Horizontal analysis Vertical analysis
* The hidden performance factors
* Fraudulently Misstated Financial Statements
* The fraud triangle
* Auditor's responsibility for detecting fraud
* Methods of fraudulently misstating financial statements
* How to detect fraud
Ms. Sonia De Guzman
- Career spans over four decades covering the area of controllership,
financial management, project evaluation, personnel and
administration, twenty five years of which were spent in the
managerial level and consulting. Strong organization and people
– A CPA and a graduate of the Master in Management from the Asian
Institute of Management and BSBA, Major in Accounting from UE Manila,
Cum Laude. Topnothcer, National Examination by SEC.
– Among her Professional Experience and Short-Term Consultancies
and Contractual Engagements are: Lecturer at the University of Asia
and the Pacific, Dela Salle University, Vice President – Finance
and Administration, O.V. Roy Construction, Inc. Technical
Adviser/Resource Person at Australian Agency for Int’l Dev’t,
Development Academy of the Philippines, United States Agency for
Int’l Dev’t (USAID), Asian Development Bank.
For More Details / Inquiry / Reservation, Please call us
Ms. Jhie Tejada
Marketing Officer
Tele Fax: 470-5542 / 505-1584
or Call/Text: 0921-7742347/ 0906-4798186
Email: jhie.powermaxph at
Date : June 26, 2015
Time : 9:00am - 5:00pm
Venue : RCBC Plaza Makati
(Inclusive of seminar kit, certificates and am snacks, lunch and pm
Super Saver Rate
Php 3,995 + VAT
(Until June 11)
Early Bird Rate Regular Rate
Php 4,695 + VAT Php 4,995 + VAT
(June 12 - 18) (starting
June 19)
Group Rate
Php 4,395 + VAT
per pax
(5 pax or more)
For your convenience, you may deposit your payment at any branch of
Account Name:Powermax Consulting Group Inc.
Account Number: 4950214023
Account Name: Powermax Consulting Group Inc.
Account Number: 4021-0138-68
Branch: Robinsons Equitable Tower Ortigas
Please fax a copy of the validated deposit slip with your company
details to 470-5542 or email a scanned copy to
jhie.powermaxph at Official Receipts are to be given on the
day of the seminar.
"We Accept All Major Credit Cards."
Financial Statement Demystified
June 26, 2015
Name Of Participants:
1. _____________________ Email/Mobile: __________________
2. _____________________ Email/Mobile: __________________
3. _____________________ Email/Mobile: __________________
4. _____________________ Email/Mobile: __________________
5. _____________________ Email/Mobile: __________________
Company Name Mr./Mrs.
Address Position
Tin # Email
Telephone Mobile
Fax Signature
* To avail of the EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT, payment should be made no more
than five (5) days after registration.
* For the seminar fee to be refunded, cancellation should be made not
less than four (4) days before the date of the workshop.
* Certificates will be given only to those who have actually
attended the seminar. Those who register and pay but will not attend
the workshop will be given handouts but not certificates.
* The materials for this seminar are protected. Any form of audio,
video or image recording of the seminar or PowerPoint slides used by
the speaker is strictly prohibited.
* Only the handouts will be given by the speaker. He / she is not
obliged to provide a copy of other training materials like the
Powerpoint file.
* Companies / Organizations / Individuals with business(es)
competitive with the businesses of Powermax Consulting Group (i.e.,
seminars, training, consultancy, and the like) are not allowed to
register unless with written consent by the management of Powermax.
Full disclosure of business line in registration is required. If
anyone registers without full disclosure, and it is discovered that
his business or one of his businesses is competitive with that of
Powermax, his registration will be forfeited.
* If the seminar is cancelled because of unusual or unforeseeable
circumstances or force majeure, Powermax will either refund the
seminar fees paid by the participants / participating companies (but
not the incidental costs such as transportation, plane tickets, hotel
accommodation, per diem, and the like) or roll over the payment for
other seminars of Powermax (provided that the seminar fee is the same
or the difference will be rectified) depending on the preference of
the participants / participating companies.
Kindly email back this reservation form to us at
jhie.powermaxph at or fax it back to us at
(02) 470-5542 to ensure your seat is reserved to this program.
Instead of the usual headaches,
let us manage your events.
We can also provide the following:
* TALENTS (Emcees, Singers, Dancers, Bands, Models)
For More Details / Inquiry / Reservation, Please call us
Ms. Jhie Tejada
Marketing Officer
Tele Fax: 470-5542 / 505-1584
or Call/Text: 0921-7742347/ 0906-4798186
Email: jhie.powermaxph at
If you think your friends may benefit from this training program,
please feel free to pass.
The Management
Unit 104 Corinthian Executive Regency
Ortigas Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City
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