perldoc is broken in 9, 10 and CURRENT with "xterm" TERM

Matthew Seaman matthew at
Wed Apr 15 16:36:08 UTC 2015

On 2015/04/15 17:26, Lev Serebryakov wrote:
>  perldoc from perl 5.16 and perl 5.18 on 9, 10 and CURRENT shows ESC
> codes like this:
> "ESC[4mfieldsESC[24m") that do ESC[1mnot ESC[22minclude
>  Terminal tried is "xterm" (PuTTY and cygwin's rxtv) and "cygwin"
> (cygwin's ssh from console).
>  Adding screen or tmux in mix doesn't help, either.
>  I've found closed PR, which explains or fixes nothing:

As a workaround, add this to your environment:

PERLDOC_PAGER='less -+C -E -R'



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