About the Perl .packlist files and their usefulness...

Mathieu Arnold mat at FreeBSD.org
Wed Oct 29 10:02:59 UTC 2014

+--On 29 octobre 2014 09:50:59 +0300 Andrej Zverev
<andrej.zverev at gmail.com> wrote:
| On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 8:35 PM, Mathieu Arnold <mat at freebsd.org> wrote:
|> I have some infrastructure work on the stove, and I was wondering if
|> there was any *real* need for the .packlist files.  If someone really
|> uses them, what for, and could some other source of file list be used ?
| It simply duplicates the functionality of our package manager.
| What files are installed. See the list of these files. Delete these files.
| So in short, we don't need this file inside packages.

I know what the file contains and what it's for, I'm asking if something
needs them, and if somebody uses them.

Mathieu Arnold

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