[Bug 193064] [exp-run]: try perl5.18 as default

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Thu Aug 28 18:35:22 UTC 2014


--- Comment #3 from Antoine Brodin <antoine at FreeBSD.org> ---
Those 6 ports were skipped:

+ {"origin"=>"databases/p5-Cache-Memcached-libmemcached",
+ {"origin"=>"devel/p5-Log-Accounting-SVK",
+ {"origin"=>"devel/p5-VCP-Dest-svk", "pkgname"=>"p5-VCP-Dest-svk-0.29_5",
+ {"origin"=>"devel/svk", "pkgname"=>"svk-2.2.3_3",
+ {"origin"=>"japanese/p5-Acme-Lou", "pkgname"=>"ja-p5-Acme-Lou-0.03_1",
+ {"origin"=>"net/p5-OurNet-BBS", "pkgname"=>"p5-OurNet-BBS-1.66_4",

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