Fwd: cvs commit: ports/databases/p5-DBIx-Custom Makefile

Sahil Tandon sahil at FreeBSD.org
Sun Jul 31 23:25:29 UTC 2011

On Sun, 2011-07-31 at 14:04:50 -0700, Doug Barton wrote:

> Fix the build with what seems to have been the intended change from
> 1.28
> It seems that the intention was to make a new BUILD_DEPENDS with the
> same content as the existing RUN_DEPENDS, but one line was missed,
> causing neither to work. So instead, make BUILD_DEPENDS equal to the
> old RUN_DEPENDS, and use the := method to set RUN_DEPENDS, in part
> because it helps avoid this kind of error.

Thanks for your help.  Your fix catalyzed an update to a newer upstream
version & the removal of unrequired dependency.

Sahil Tandon <sahil at FreeBSD.org>

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