Status of perl 5.10

Philip M. Gollucci pgollucci at
Sun Jan 25 13:32:43 PST 2009

>>> Can someone give us an update on what is the status of preparation 
>>> for importing perl 5.10?  Who is working on it; what are the 
>>> remaining obstacles; what can we do in future to avoid the delays?
w/ mod_perl hat (and p5p-), I think the largest obstacle really is setting CONFLICTS
and getting -exp runs.

I mean perl 5.10 compiles on freebsd.  Creating the port can be done fairly quickly.
leaving lang/perl5.8 as the default.  If portmgr@ wants to do an -exp run, I take a whack at it today.

Its going to react fairly similiar to the 5.8.9 import, the only differnce is *MORE*
modules are now dual life and in core.  Which means more ugly .if PERL_VER >.

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Philip M. Gollucci (pgollucci at c: 703.336.9354
Consultant          - P6M7G8 Inc.      
Senior Sys Admin    - RideCharge, Inc. 
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ASF Member          - Apache Software Foundation
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