[Request for review] PERL_DEPENDS and PERL_TEST_DEPENDS re-launched

Andrew Pantyukhin infofarmer at FreeBSD.org
Tue Apr 8 10:52:48 UTC 2008

On Sun, Apr 06, 2008 at 04:36:07PM +0200, Anton Berezin wrote:
> PERL_DEPENDS=	devel/p5-Devel-Symdump>=2.03 \
> 		devel/p5-Attribute-Handlers>=0.77 \
> 		devel/p5-Class-ISA>=0.32 \
> 		devel/p5-Storable>=2.04

This syntax is not at all perl-specific (cf. Portage). I for one
would love to see it supported by our current _DEPENDS variables.
A new generic TEST_DEPENDS would make sense, IMO. Any
perl-related stuff can be invoked for all 'p5'-containing
dependencies. As for concise BUILD+RUN dependencies, they've long
been associated with LIB_DEPENDS, which looks like a good place
for all kinds of libraries, not just shared-binary-native ones.

I like what you did very much, it would seem to be a waste to
limit it to perl.

Thanks for your effort!

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