error while compiling Unix-Syslog-0.100

Pawel Zbierski p.zbierski at
Mon Jan 29 11:59:36 UTC 2007

I've tried to compile amavisd-new on FreeBSD 6.2; Perl 5.8.8
I've got following message:

===> Installing for amavisd-new-2.4.4,1
===> amavisd-new-2.4.4,1 depends on file:
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/mach/Unix/ - not found
===> Verifying install for
usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/mach/Unix/ in
===> Building for p5-Unix-Syslog-0.100
makefile out-of-date with respect to
Cleaning current config before rebuilding Makefile...
make -f Makefile.old clean > /dev/null 2>&1
/usr/local/bin/perl5.8.8 Makefile.PL "INSTALLDIRS=site" "CC=cc" "CCFLAGS=-O2
-fn o-strict-aliasing -pipe "PREFIX=/usr/local"
"INSTALLPRIVLIB=/usr/local/lib" "INSTALLARCHLIB=/usr/local/lib"
Chcecking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile fir Unix::Syslog
==> Your Makefile has been rebuilt. <==
==> Please rerun the make command. <==
*** Error code 1

Stop in /.1/ports/sysutils/p5-Unix-Syslog/work/Unix-Syslog-0.100.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /.1/ports/sysutils/p5-Unix-Syslog.
*** Error code 1
Stop in /.1/ports/security/amavisd-new.

Can anyone point me what I did wrong?
I've been looking for an answer two days and found only non-answered posts.

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