Retire /devel/p5-Test-Builder-Tester port

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Sat Oct 29 07:55:16 PDT 2005

+-le 29/10/2005 23:49 +0900, Jun Kuriyama écrivait :
| Hi,
| I'm planning to remove devel/p5-Test-Builder-Tester (as submitted by
| ports/87644).
| I made a patch to change your devel/p5-Test-Pod by depending
| Test-Simple (which now including Test::Builder::Tester), and upgrading
| it to 1.22.

Shouldn't devel/p5-Test-Builder-Tester and devel/p5-Test-Simple have a
CONFLICT line in that case ?

| How about this?

Looks fine for me, go ahead.

Mathieu Arnold
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