p5-Mail-SpamAssassin and versioned BUILD_DEPS, please review

Volker Stolz stolz at i2.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Wed Oct 5 09:19:36 PDT 2005

Am 05. Oct 2005 um 18:16 CEST schrieb Mathieu Arnold:
> +-le 05/10/2005 16:48 +0200, Volker Stolz a dit :
> | I know that you should always update all pre-requisites for a port, but this
> | one seems to be a good start to introduce versioned dependencies since I
> | actually got bitten by this on one of my hosts :)
> I think I've missed something, when did we get versionned dependencies ?

Mk/bsd.port.mk revision 1.512 (experimental, though)
date: 2005/06/09 20:39:43;  author: krion;  state: Exp;  lines: +69 -24
* Add an ability to depend on versioned installed package. [12]
http://www-i2.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/stolz/ *** PGP *** S/MIME
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