install spamassassin tools?

Jonathan Noack noackjr at
Sat May 7 01:20:34 PDT 2005

I came across documentation on the web for check_whitelist, a tool 
included with SpamAssassin that checks and cleans your auto-whitelist 
db.  Considering I have SpamAssassin installed, I tried to find where it 
was installed on my machine.  I failed.  The SpamAssassin port does not 
install any of the tools.  I think these are useful and the attached 
(very rough) patch makes the port install them.


P.S. Some of the tools use extra perl modules ( uses 
p5-Date-Manip and p5-Parse-Syslog, for example), so a mention of that 
might be a good idea.

Jonathan Noack | noackjr at | OpenPGP: 0x991D8195
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