Reduce dependency for p5-WWW-Mechanize*

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Fri Oct 15 00:04:29 PDT 2004

+-Le 15/10/2004 14:42 +0900, Jun Kuriyama a dit :
| At Fri, 15 Oct 2004 04:40:38 +0200,
| Mathieu Arnold wrote:
|> Hum, on this particular thing, you should try without these dependencies,
|> and grep through the sources to see where it's needed. Test-* are often
|> build-only deps required only when you make test.
| Okay, it looks no use of Test::* module other than *.t files.  I
| swapped $RUN_DEPENDS and $BUILD_DEPENDS usage and conditional addition

Looks fine to me :-)

Mathieu Arnold
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