cvs commit: ports/mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin Makefile

Sergey Matveychuk sem at
Mon Jan 19 10:48:37 PST 2004

David O'Brien wrote:

> WHY??  rc scripts live in <PREFIX>/etc/rc.d peroid.

Take a look at mail/exim. I don't know what is absolute true way. But 
IMHO people can feel free to chooce where scripts may be placed.

> Please make this port always ahear to our standards.  There is no need to
> make ever little thing overrideable as that will only encourage people to
> try to do weird things we don't support.

We are not supported rcNG?

> Also it is well known that one can turn off a packages's rc script by
> renaming the rc script such that it doesn't have a ".sh" extention.  It
> is our defacto standard that packages rc scripts have ".sh" as their
> extention, again please don't encourage a wide sweaping change.

Be modern. You need only change spamd_enable="YES" to no, or remove it. 
Why do you think file renaming is better? And the file doesn't deinstall 
is you rename it.


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