Benchmark (Phoronix): FreeBSD 9.0-RC2 vs. Oracle Linux 6.1 Server

matthew at matthew at
Thu Dec 22 18:00:20 UTC 2011

 Let me suggest an alternative.

    ([1]http://www.phoromatic.c   operation
 on it captured
 .    You can see a Linux oriented tracker available at
 [3]http://ph (the nice graphs are when
 you sel   ect 180 days and the ION 330 systems).  We've re-assigned the
 sy   stems to other projects so it is no longer being updated, but it


 This system will allow you to just de   updateable and pick up the directions for whic   The
 FreeBSD project (or contributors) would m   test
 machines.  The test suite would be sel   the
 FreeBSD project or contributors.  The g   triggers
 (possibly SVN, git or other submission, or    daily) and the
 scripts to update the systems would also be    maintained by the
 FreeBSD community.

 Phoronix Me   (we've
 played with ho   data store
 and the analyt   enhancements to
 support the F   

 This should solve the "I don't have ti   automated
 test infrastructure".  You don't need   glue
 scripts, and dedicate a couple of machines.&   FreeBSD
 vendors like ixSystems may be able to support   with a
 dedicated machine.  You can have as many mac   like
 demonstrating AMD/Intel/32/64/large mem/low mem,etc   

 The comments around interactivi   some
 extent.  We have the model of a    configured
 to determine jitter around a    variables and to
 possibly inject actions to measure    

 We're more than happy to work with you guys,    help
 do a lot of the infrastructure and automation   




 On 12/22/11 8:56 AM, Adrian Chadd wrot

Guys, girls, fuzzy creatures,

This is by far the best example of a constructive email in this entire thread.

If people would like to help, Erik here is exactly the kind of person
with exactly the kind of software that needs a hand.

I think enough philosophizing has been done - now we have questions
that need answering; theories that need testing. And that requires,
you know, coding. :)

The best thing right now would be for *BSD people to pick up the
Phronix test suite, try to compile/run it, and provide feedback. Do
your own benchmarks on your own hardware and report back the results.
That's how we fix the "benchmarking problem." We don't fix it by
armchair philosophy, we fix it by getting our hands dirty. :)



On 22 December 2011 03:21, Erik Cederstrand [4]<erik@> wrote:


     Den 21/12/2011 kl. 19.48 skrev Alexander Leidinger:



And related to the subject: wasn't it you who developed the automatic benchmarking stuff? If yes, why not make it available? If you don't have he resources, I offer my help to make it available somewhere.


Yes, that's me. I'm mostly out of time right now, but I'd like to offer help if someone wants to pick up the project.

For those who haven't heard about it, it's a system designed specifically to track performance of FreeBSD over time by comparing revisions of FreeBSD, everything else being equal. It consists of a tinderbox-like build script for a build server, a script to install FreeBSD and run benchmarks on at least one slave, and a database-backed website to aggregate and visualize results.

The framework does work as-is, but it really needs to be updated: convert the scripts to use the SVN repo instead of CVS, improve visualization and search on the web fronted, and improve the benchmarking script so it's easier to extend. I don't have hardware available to run the benchmarks, but I think there's hardware available in the FreeBSD cluster.

Here's a link to the source code: [5]
And to my thesis describing how it works: [6]

Just send me a mail if you're interested.

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