SCHED_ULE should not be the default

Attilio Rao attilio at
Thu Dec 15 21:30:11 UTC 2011

2011/12/15 Mike Tancsa <mike at>:
> On 12/15/2011 11:56 AM, Attilio Rao wrote:
>> So, as very first thing, can you try the following:
>> - Same codebase, etc. etc.
>> - Make the test 4 times, discard the first and ministat for the other 3
>> - Reboot
>> - Change the steal_thresh value
>> - Make the test 4 times, discard the first and ministat for the other 3
>> Then report discarded values and the ministated one and we will have
>> more informations I guess
>> (also, I don't think devfs contention should play a role here, thus
>> nevermind about it for now).
> Results and data at

I'm not totally sure, what does burnP6 do? is it a CPU-bound workload?
Also, how many threads are spanked in your case for parallel bzip2?

Also, it would be very good if you could arrange these tests against
newer -CURRENT (with userland and kerneland debugging off).

Thanks a lot of your hard work,

Peace can only be achieved by understanding - A. Einstein

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