Benchmark (Phoronix): FreeBSD 9.0-RC2 vs. Oracle Linux 6.1 Server

Adrian Chadd adrian at
Thu Dec 15 07:40:34 UTC 2011

On 14 December 2011 23:32, O. Hartmann <ohartman at> wrote:
> Just saw this shot benchmark on Phoronix dot com today:
> It may be worth to discuss the sad performance of FBSD in some parts of
> the benchmark. A difference of a factor 10 or 100 is simply far beyond

Well, the only way it's going to get fixed is if someone sits down,
replicates it, and starts to document exactly what it is that these
benchmarks are/aren't doing.

Sometimes it's because the benchmark is very much tickling things
incorrectly. In a lot of cases though, the benchmark is testing
something synthetic that Linux just happens to have micro-optimised.

So if you care about this a lot, someone needs to stand up, work with
Phronix to get some actual feedback about what's going on, and see if
it can be fixed. Maybe you'll find ULE is broken in some instances; I
bet you'll find something like "the disk driver is suboptimal." For
example, I remember seeing someone mess up a test because they split
their filesystems across raid5 boundaries, and this was hidden by the
choice of raid controller and stripe size. This made FreeBSD look
worse; when this was corrected for, it sped up far past Linux.


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