TTY task group scheduling

Bruce Cran bruce at
Thu Nov 18 20:16:45 UTC 2010

On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 19:55:05 +0100
Lucius Windschuh <lwindschuh at> wrote:

> Because currently, my machine is barely usable if a compile job with
> parallelism is running. Movies stutter, Firefox hangs. And even nice
> -n 20 doesn't do the job in every case, as +20 seems not to be the
> idle priority anymore?!?

If you're using UFS, I've found it to be quite a bottleneck when
doing parallel IO: I even ran a "svn up" in one terminal and tried to
login on another a couple of days ago only to find the motd took over 5
seconds to appear! That may be excessive since I was running a kernel
with WITNESS and INVARIANTS, but I've found ZFS to be far better if you
want good interactivity when reading/writing to disks.

Bruce Cran

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