Performance 4.x vs. 6.x

Ricardo Nabinger Sanchez rnsanchez at
Tue Oct 17 02:35:21 UTC 2006

On Mon, 16 Oct 2006 16:13:13 -0700 (PDT)
Danial Thom <danial_thom at> wrote:

> Why do I need to start a project? Matt Dillon is
> already doing it.
> One thing that Matt has proved is that IQ isn't
> cumulative. Because hes doing on his own what an
> entire team of FreeBSD "engineers" can't do. But
> hey, you're not getting paid, so I guess we
> shouldn't expect anything good. Bravo for trying
> guys. We appreciate your wasted efforts.

Sorry, but I don't get your point.  Why aren't you using Dragonfly or Linux
or any other OS that suits your needs already?

> I'm not nearly as concerned about the project at
> this point. Dfly will be usable before freebsd,
> and at least we know there's someone that knows
> what they're doing over there. What concerns me
> is the lying to all of the small businessman out
> there. People wasting their money on hardware
> that freebsd can't utilize. And you clowns
> telling them how great it is. Its just plain
> dishonest.

And another: have you read (and understood) the copyright message?
Specifically this part (deCAPSed for your comfort):

"This software is provided by the regents and contributors ``as is'' and
any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose
are disclaimed."

I don't have the IQ to understand why do you keep using FreeBSD if it makes
you unhappy, doesn't support the hardware you bought/have, perform poorly on
most situations you have to deal with, and you think its developers don't
have a clue of what they're doing.

Ricardo Nabinger Sanchez     <rnsanchez@{,}>
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