Performance 4.x vs. 6.x

Kris Kennaway kris at
Thu Oct 12 15:25:10 PDT 2006

On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 05:17:31PM -0500, Derrick T. Woolworth wrote:
> Where are the numbers for this?  Where is the proof?  Are you using
> CARP and PF in the 4.x kernel?  Are you using UNIX sockets in 4.x?
> The fact that your claims haven't been substantiated leads me to
> believe you're not really trying to solve any problems.

Just ignore this guy, he has an extremely narrow focus of what he
wants to use FreeBSD for, and since FreeBSD doesn't meet his standards
in this single area he claims that the entire OS is useless for any

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