Help with improving mysql performance on 6.2PRE

Jerry Bell jbell at
Fri Oct 6 12:20:52 PDT 2006

I have actually made the changes to my.cnf before I ran these.  I expanded
them quite a bit beyond what is in my-large.cnf.  I need to pull them back
in to save on some memory usage.  I'm going to look at some of the other
patches that have been suggested to me to see if they'll work and if they
make a difference.

Right now, my system only has the SAS5i card, with no memory.  I have a
PERC5i on order, but it's backordered and I'm thinking about whether I
should go with a different card or not.  It's relatively expensive, and
I'm not sure how the performance stacks up, but I hear a lot of complaints
about the management support of the PERC cards in Freebsd.

Thanks to all again,


> Yeah the static compiling recommendations by MySQL documents are really
> more a linux thing more then anything else.
> The other other thing to check is to make sure you use larger buffer
> settings I recommend the large-my.cnf
> cp /usr/local/share/mysql/my-large.cnf /var/db/mysql/
> Then restart MySQL.
> The disk IO doesn't play much into this as far as I know because the
> supersmack benchmark doesn't generate a large database to play with,
> also because its a med-high end Dell 1950 it should have the 256meg read
> and battery backed write cache controller card which would also hold a
> lot of that data without doing much real access.
> Yup there you have it, even though you didn't know about the best tweaks
> for MySQL you still managed to practically post some of the highest
> MySQL benchmarks posted here on performance out of the box with libthr,
> it also shows how much libthr gives extra performance when you have 4
> CPU cores over most peoples posts with 1 or 2 CPU cores.
> Jerry Bell wrote:
>>Many thanks to all who responded.  You are an incredibly smart group of
>>The recompiling without static yielded much better results:
>>2950# super-smack -d mysql select-key-mysql.smack 10 10000
>>Query Barrel Report for client smacker1
>>connect: max=1ms  min=0ms avg= 0ms from 10 clients
>>Query_type      num_queries     max_time        min_time        q_per_s
>>select_index    200000  0       0       51118.22
>>>From ~34k qps to ~51k qps is quite an improvement!
>>I always thougt that compiling something static increased performance,
>> but
>>then that's probably true for things that have to startup and shutdown
>>Thanks again.
>>>Jerry Bell wrote:
>>>>I have a Dell PE2950 with 2 dual core 3.73Ghz processors and 4G of ram.
>>>>I've looked through some of the lists here and have seen super-smack
>>>>results in the 42k qps range on a 2 dual core opteron system.  I'm able
>>>>get up to about 34k with the wide at the back of my server whilest
>>>>the side of it.
>>>>Here's what I've done:
>>>>built both mysql 5.0 and 5.1 from ports with build_static and
>>>>optimazations on.
>>>>changed the clock to TSC
>>>>added the following to my /etc/libmap.conf file:
>>>As Nick Evans said, you can't use static version of MySQL daemon if you
>>>want to use /etc/libmap.conf
>>>I tested both (static vs. dynamic with libmap.conf), dynamic with libthr
>>>performs much better than static on Dual Xeon 3GHz SMP system with 2GB
>>>of RAM.
>>>My /etc/libmap.conf is just
>>>Miroslav Lachman
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