OpenOffice 4.1.2-RC1 packages available for FreeBSD 9.3 and 10.1

Don Lewis truckman at
Sun Oct 11 03:35:35 UTC 2015

A few days ago I retargeted the openoffice-devel port from the upstream
trunk to the OpenOffice 4.1.2 release candidates.  According to portsmon
the binary packages of OpenOffice 4.1.2-RC1
(apache-openoffice-devel-4.1.1705575_1,4) are now available for FreeBSD
9.3 and 10.X.  If you are running 10.2-RELEASE, you'll need to switch
from to the lastest packages instead of the quarterly packages in order
to install this version of the package.

List of fixed bugs is here:

I currently expect to update the port to 4.1.2-RC2 in a few days.

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