/usr/ports/editors/openoffice.org-3-devel/work/DEV300_m99 fails to build on -CURRENT r222407

Julian H. Stacey jhs at berklix.com
Mon Jun 6 23:56:31 UTC 2011

Matthias Apitz wrote:
> El día Monday, June 06, 2011 a las 07:52:07PM +0200, Julian H. Stacey escribió:
> > Matthias Apitz wrote to openoffice@ Mon, 06 Jun 2011 07:34:33 +0200
> > 
> > > ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making
> > > /usr/ports/editors/openoffice.org-3-devel/work/DEV300_m99/hyphen
> > 
> > etc, + just after in a private mail:
> > 
> > > It does not build in r222407 in a clean environment :-(
> It did built in r220692 (mid of April) for me and the diff of this and
> r222407 is that for some other reason I built in r220692 the gcc466 from
> the ports and the machine running r220692 has 2 GByte RAM.
> While searching Google I see this:
> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.os.freebsd.devel.openoffice/2075
> I will compile gcc466 in r222407 and give it a try...

/etc/make.conf PERL_VERSION=5.10.1 or other similar
(or absence) can affect quite a lot of ports.
but problem might equally be gcc, or make / gmake, bison, gawk, etc 
	( or a sensitive tar in my case -
	  I get occasional ports failures here since I increased tar
	  error detection, though I only noticed that after I filed:
		Mon, 31 Jan 2011
	  Reason others dont see those errors yet, is FreeBSD still hasn't
	  fixed its flakey to check more C return codes )
or maybe with such mega builds, maybe heat, occasional duff memory,
or NFS accesses, etc, almost anything anything, a guessing game for
witch docotors in absence of clear error messages ;-).

I see Makefile 
	--enable-hids	# Not pursued to see what that does yet.
	.if defined(WITH_DEBUG)
so on another host I've queued
	cd /usr/ports/editors/openoffice.org-3 
	make clean	# NOCLEANDEPENDS=YES to avoid rm of weeks of compiles
	source `which unsetenv.csh`

If none of the above get decent error messages or a compile, perhaps
t will be appropriate to ask open office generic source people to
please make their error reporter a few decades more more modern ;-)
	( 1977 was last time I remember regularly seeing numeric
	error messages on weak hardware desperate to save space.

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich http://berklix.com
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