ports/138144: editors/openoffice.org-3: 3.1.0 crashes on closing

Robert Huff roberthuff at rcn.com
Wed Sep 9 21:15:13 UTC 2009

Heino Tiedemann writes:

>   the next OOo3 version, but still the same bug:
>   I made the next OOo3 from ports: "de-openoffice.org-3.1.1" with
>   the same make options -> the bug ist still there.

	I compiled 3.1.1/en on amd64 yesterday (yay modern hardware!)
and have not seen the crashing problem.
	I have also not seen the gcp permissions problem I had building
3.0* and 3.1.0 on i386.

					Robert Huff

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