gunzip | tar reports broken pipe during OOO build on amd64.

Eygene Ryabinkin rea-fbsd at
Tue May 5 19:10:40 UTC 2009

Alexey, good day.

Tue, May 05, 2009 at 07:48:31PM +0200, Alexey Shuvaev wrote:
> The reason appeared to be the first part of the command
> "gunzip -c ... | ( tar -xf - ) &&  touch ..."
> which exited with non-zero exit status (141) and "touch ..." was not called.
> Running the command manually has showed that gunzip was complaining about
> broken pipe (however the archive was extracted successfully).

Yes, 141 means that SIGPIPE was delivered.  This in turn means that
'tar -xf -' exited before gunzip had finished its job and gunzip had
tried to write more data to the pipe.

Could I ask to do some debugging:

1. run 'gunzip -c  ooo_crystal_images-1.tar.gz > crystal.tar'
2. run 'cat crystal.tar | (tar -xf -) && echo OK' and look for the results.
3. do 'md5 ooo_crystal_images-1.tar.gz'

For the last point, I have
MD5 (ooo_crystal_images-1.tar.gz) = ff0d576d4b0e71c268b1516095a3d085
but this tar.gz was taken from OOO 3.x.  If yours have some other
checksum, could you place it somewhere where I can download it?

My .tar.gz unpacks without any errors, but my -CURRENT is from 3rd of May.

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