ports: missing directory

Marc Santhoff M.Santhoff at
Tue Feb 24 07:29:19 PST 2009


thanks for making available the OO.o port for FreeBSD, well done!

I found a minor flaw in two builds and I'd like to tell you. If it is
better to file an issue for this matter please tell me what project,
whom to assign to, etc.

The problem is:
In the user directory there is a directory "backup" missing, so when one
uses the option to always make a backup copy when saving OO.o fails with
a general i/o-error because it cannot write to the missing backup dir.

the exact path is:

I've tested it with the package for i386 on FreeBSD 6.3 Version 2.3.0
and the DEVm5 port of version 3.0.0.beta. A simple "mkdir ..." fixes
this issue.

The ports tree version of the Makefile is:
$ head /usr/ports/editors/ 
# New ports collection makefile for:
# Date created:         28 February 2002
# Whom:                 Martin Blapp
# $FreeBSD: ports/editors/,v 1.364 2008/04/03 21:30:51 maho Exp $

Another minor thing:
The package metioned above


is missing an entry for depending on the libraries of gcc42, if it is
not installed OO.o misses which is part of the gcc42 port
but not of FreeBSD 6.x.

Thanks and keep up your good work!
Marc Santhoff <M.Santhoff at>

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