openoffice 3.1.0_2 for freebsd 7.2-release, i386

Lee S Parsons lparsons42 at
Tue Aug 4 12:37:48 UTC 2009 Porting team

I have completed building the port for 3.1.0_2 on my 
FreeBSD 7.2-release system, i386 architecture.  I have built it into a 
package and will happily send it to you if you are interested.  I 
contacted the group at and they suggested I offer it to 
you.  In particular this build, when installed, supports the addition of 
a dictionary, which otherwise returns a "bad transfer url" error if one 
attempts to add a dictionary to 3.0.0 on i386 from packages.

thank you
Lee S Parsons

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