database wizards to create queries, forms and reports crashing

Edward Sutton mirror176 at
Mon Sep 29 19:40:37 UTC 2008

  I have been unable to complete the database wizards for queries, forms, and reports. I have openoffice using diablo-jdk1.5.0 for java, but have tried jdk-1-6-0 (version 1.6.0_03-p4). I can create a step by step workflow causing the crash if necessary, but running any of those wizards even on a new database has always crashed. I am on FreeBSD 7.0 with openoffice 3.0-RC2, but have also seen the same results on 2.4.1 and with FreeBSD 6.2 and one of the openoffice 2.3 series. The same actions on RC2 when repeated with a Vista machine created a form correctly. Is this known to be broken or are there any fixes, workarounds, tricks, etc. to get the wizards to complete successfully?

Thanks again,
Edward Sutton

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