3-RC (m5) doesn't build

Harald Schmalzbauer h.schmalzbauer at OmniLAN.de
Tue Sep 9 06:26:08 UTC 2008

Dear Maintainer,

unfotunately I have no idea about the OOorg build process, so aI can't 
do anything besides informing you that the build doesn't work for me.
I first tried with JDK1.5, but also with JDK1.6 it doesn't complete.
Here's my build options with the error:


Making: ../unxfbsdi.pro/bin/dict-zu.oxt
rebuilding zipfiles
cd ../unxfbsdi.pro/misc/dict-zu ; zip -r /tmp/mkAaKrPY.dict-zu_.oxt * -x 
delzip  -x "*CVS*" || if ("$status" != "12" && "$status" != "1") exit 
$status && echo "Nothing to update for zip"
   adding: META-INF/ (stored 0%)
   adding: META-INF/manifest.xml (deflated 38%)
   adding: description.xml (deflated 51%)
   adding: dictionaries.xcu (deflated 57%)
   adding: dummy.txt (stored 0%)
   adding: hyph_zu_ZA.dic (deflated 47%)
cp -f /tmp/mkAaKrPY.dict-zu_.oxt  ../unxfbsdi.pro/bin/dict-zu.oxt
rm -f /tmp/mkAaKrPY.dict-zu_.oxt
Running processes: 0
deliver -- version: 1.130
Module 'dictionaries' delivered successfully. 25 files copied, 0 files 
1 module(s):
need(s) to be rebuilt


ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making 

Attention: if you build and deliver the above module(s) you may 
prolongue your the build issuing command "build --from openssl"
rmdir /tmp/46731
*** Error code 1
1 error

Thanks for any help!!


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