
Oliver Lehmann lehmann at
Fri Nov 7 09:54:46 PST 2008


I'm getting this error when trying to compile ooo2:

=> OOo_OOH680_m18_source.tar.bz2 doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/openoffice.org2.
=> Attempting to fetch from
OOo_OOH680_m18_source.tar.bz2                 100% of  273 MB  222 kBps 00m00s
===>  Extracting for
=> MD5 Checksum OK for openoffice.org2/OOo_OOH680_m18_source.tar.bz2.
=> SHA256 Checksum OK for openoffice.org2/OOo_OOH680_m18_source.tar.bz2.
=> MD5 Checksum OK for openoffice.org2/unowinreg.dll.
=> SHA256 Checksum OK for openoffice.org2/unowinreg.dll.
=> MD5 Checksum OK for openoffice.org2/mozilla-source-1.7.5.tar.gz.
=> SHA256 Checksum OK for openoffice.org2/mozilla-source-1.7.5.tar.gz.
===> depends on file: /usr/local/bin/perl5.8.8 - found

bzip2: I/O or other error, bailing out.  Possible reason follows.
bzip2: Permission denied
        Input file = /usr/ports/distfiles/openoffice.org2/OOo_OOH680_m18_source.tar.bz2, output file = (stdout)
OOH680_m18/dictionaries/de_AT/de_AT.dic: Truncated tar archive
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/editors/
Exit 1
root at kartoffel> make -VWRKSRC
root at kartoffel> ls /mnt/misc/usr/ports/editors/
./                    helpcontent2/         sandbox/
../                   hsqldb/               sane/
MathMLDTD/            hwpfilter/            sax/
UnoControls/          i18npool/             sc/
accessibility/        i18nutil/             scaddins/
afms/                 icc/                  scp2/
agg/                  icu/                  scripting/
animations/           idl/                  sd/
autodoc/              idlc/                 sdext/
automation/           instsetoo_native/     sdk_oo/
avmedia/              io/                   setup_native/
basctl/               javainstaller2/       sfx2/
basebmp/              javaunohelper/        shell/
basegfx/              jfreereport/          sj2/
basic/                jpeg/                 slideshow/
bean/                 jurt/                 smoketestoo_native/
beanshell/            jut/                  sndfile/
berkeleydb/           jvmaccess/            solenv/
binfilter/            jvmfwk/               soltools/
bitstream_vera_fonts/ libegg/               sot/
boost/                libtextcat/           starmath/
bridges/              libwpd/               stlport/
canvas/               libxml2/              stoc/
chart2/               libxmlsec/            store/
cli_ure/              libxslt/              svtools/
codemaker/            lingucomponent/       svx/
comphelper/           linguistic/           sw/
config_office/        moz/                  sysui/
configmgr/            msfontextract/        testshl2/
connectivity/         nas/                  testtools/
cosv/                 neon/                 toolkit/
cppcanvas/            np_sdk/               tools/
cppu/                 o3tl/                 transex3/
cppuhelper/           odk/                  twain/
cpputools/            offapi/               ucb/
crashrep/             officecfg/            ucbhelper/
curl/                 offuh/                udkapi/
dbaccess/             ooo_custom_images/    udm/
default_images/       oovbaapi/             unixODBC/
desktop/              openssl/              unodevtools/
dictionaries/         package/              unoil/
dmake/                padmin/               unotools/
dtrans/               portaudio/            unoxml/
embeddedobj/          postprocess/          ure/
embedserv/            psprint/              uui/
epm/                  psprint_config/       vcl/
eventattacher/        python/               vigra/
expat/                pyuno/                vos/
extensions/           qadevOOo/             wizards/
external/             rdbmaker/             writerfilter/
external_images/      readlicense_oo/       writerperfect/
extras/               regexp/               x11_extensions/
fileaccess/           registry/             xalan/
filter/               remotebridges/        xmerge/
fondu/                reportdesign/         xml2cmp/
forms/                rhino/                xmlhelp/
fpicker/              ridljar/              xmloff/
framework/            rsc/                  xmlscript/
freetype/             sal/                  xmlsecurity/
goodies/              salhelper/            zlib/
root at kartoffel> df -h /mnt/misc/usr/ports/editors/
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s2e     29G    6.5G     20G    24%    /mnt/misc
root at kartoffel> 

 Oliver Lehmann

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