Robert Huff
roberthuff at rcn.com
Tue Jul 22 04:14:00 UTC 2008
Maho NAKATA writes:
> > Are there any plans to update the OOo universe so things don't
> > depend on a very dead technology (mozilla-1.7.5) and one whose EOL
> > has been set (jdk-1.5)? (I'll take pointers to prs or entries in an
> > OOo wiki.) It would be nice to not have to spend multiple hours
> > building this stuff when there are perfectly useful alternates
> > available.
Thank you for your prompt response.
> First of all, please sign to SCA.
> http://contributing.openoffice.org/programming.html#sca
I would, if there were any chance I would be directly
contributing code.
> For the first one:
> Please join
Summary: work begun recently, reasonable time of completion 2-3
> the second one:
> try to build with jdk16 and resolve/find FreeBSD issues.
I will ...
... as soon as I can get 3.0 to build. Everything works fine
up to here:
making .dpslo
Running processes: 0
Running processes: 1
Presenter Screen build disabled.
Running processes: 0
deliver -- version: 1.129
Module 'sdext' delivered successfully. 2 files copied, 1 files unchanged
1 module(s):
need(s) to be rebuilt
ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /usr/ports/editors/openoffice.org-3/work/BEB300_m3/moz
Attention: if you build and deliver the above module(s) you may prolongue your the build issuing command "build --from moz"
*** Error code 1
The port was updated Monday just after midnight US Eastern
time; the system is:
FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT #0: Wed Jul 16 08:11:50 EDT 2008 i386
(Additional information available on request.)
Robert Huff
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