ports/119204: [patch] editors/OpenOffice.org-2 v2.3 loops when file opened

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at optushome.com.au
Tue Feb 19 02:48:12 PST 2008

On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 11:25:41AM +0900, Maho NAKATA wrote:
>Just for record:
>FreeBSD 7.0-PRERELASE, without MAKE_FLAGS, i386, editors/openoffice.org-2-RC (OOH680_m7)
>, removing ~/.openoffice.org2, and typed
>% openoffice.org-OOH680_m7 aaa.odt
>I did not see the problem.
>I'll try on amd64.

It is not architecture dependent.  Based on the background material
in some of the referenced postings, it appears that OOo makes some
invalid assumptions about its GUI environment.

>Peter Jeremy, could you please sign to the JCA?

I've had a look at the JCA and am not willing to sign it without
some independent legal advice regarding some of the terms used -
and at this stage, I cannot justify that expenditure.

In any case, my patch is basically a cleaned up version of one of
the other patches referenced from the PR so it is possible that I
cannot "contribute" it in any case.

>#  If you would like to submit patches for OpenOffice.org, please fill out and submit JCA, otherwise, we won't commit them, even for the FreeBSD ports cvs repo.

I am unaware of any other port with such draconian requirements.  It
seems that the FreeBSD OOo project is not interested in receiving
patches and I will keep that in mind in future.

Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant or matches their claimed behaviour.
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