diablo-jdk no longer works?

Robert Huff roberthuff at rcn.com
Mon Apr 28 14:59:03 UTC 2008

	I just tried to upgrade 2.3.1 to 2.4.0, and get this:

===>   openoffice.org-2.4.0_5 depends on file: /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/xcomposite.pc - found
===>   openoffice.org-2.4.0_5 depends on file: /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/xfixes.pc - found
===>   openoffice.org-2.4.0_5 depends on file: /usr/local/jdk1.5.0/bin/java - not found
===>    Verifying install for /usr/local/jdk1.5.0/bin/java in /usr/ports/java/jdk15
===>  jdk-,1 :


huff@>> dir /usr/local/ | grep jdk
drwxr-xr-x    9 root  wheel    512 Jan 14 18:12 diablo-jdk1.5.0
drwxr-xr-x   11 root  wheel    512 Feb 19 17:12 jdk1.6.0

	(jdk-1.6 is installed, but 1,5 is the working/default version.)
	Is the diablo 1.5 version no longer adequate, or is there a
problem with the dependencies?

				Robert Huff

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