Error compile /usr/ports/editors/ FreeBSD

Howard Goldstein howard at
Sat Apr 5 17:25:25 UTC 2008

Douglas Berry wrote:
>> Douglas, when you rid your system of icu 3.8.1_1 were there any
>> nasty  side effects? 
> Oh the pain of it all :-)
> On one system (with fewer dependencies), it wasn't to bad.
> Another system, well let's say I'm going to rebuild all ports :-(
> I believe it was brought in by my selection of the non default
> glib20 option WITHOUT_COLLATION_FIX=false.  This should be set
> to true, then rebuild everything that depends on it.

Arrrgh I had the same non-default option set for glib20 too.   That 
"WITH_COLLATION_FIX" option was too tempting :(  So you're up and 
running 2.4 with Marcin's patch?  I suppose it's early enough in the 
weekend to try it here (here == a production box)

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