openoffice-2.4 failure

Rainer Heesen rainer.heesen at
Thu Apr 3 16:17:47 UTC 2008


I try to build, but I always get the same error. Something 
seems to be wrong with ICU that's part of the openoffice distribution.

mkdir ./out/build/icudt36l/translit
mkdir ./out/tmp
mkdir ./out/tmp/coll
mkdir ./out/tmp/rbnf
mkdir ./out/tmp/translit
mkdir ./out/tmp/brkitr
Unpacking ./in/icudt36l.dat and generating out/tmp/icudata.lst (list of data 
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH  ../bin/icupkg -d ./out/build/icudt36l --list -x 
\* ./in/icudt36l.dat | grep -v ".cnv" > out/tmp/icudata.lst
/libexec/ ../bin/icupkg: Undefined 
symbol "_ZN7icu_3_67PackageC1Ev"
gmake[1]: *** [out/tmp/icudata.lst] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory 
gmake: *** [all-recursive] Error 2
dmake:  Error code 2, while making ''
---* *---

ERROR: Error 65280 occurred while 
making /usr/ports/editors/
dmake:  Error code 1, while making 'build_instsetoo_native'
---*  *---
*** Error code 255

Stop in /usr/ports/editors/

When I replace ../bin/icupkg with /usr/local/sbin/icupkg the error does not 
occur. However, I get a new error message that belongs to ICU, too.

gmake[1]: Entering directory 
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH   ../bin/pkgdata -O ../data/ -q -c -s /usr/ports/editors/ -d ../lib -M'PKGDATA_LDFLAGS=""' -e 
icudt36 -T ./out/tmp -p icudt36l -L sicudata -m static ./out/tmp/icudata.lst
/libexec/ ../bin/pkgdata: Undefined symbol "uprv_malloc_3_6"
gmake[1]: *** [packagedata] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory 
gmake: *** [all-recursive] Error 2
dmake:  Error code 2, while making ''
---* *---

ERROR: Error 65280 occurred while 
making /usr/ports/editors/
dmake:  Error code 1, while making 'build_instsetoo_native'
---*  *---
*** Error code 255

Stop in /usr/ports/editors/

Do you have any hints for me? I do appreciate your help.

Kind regards


FreeBSD 6.3-STABLE FreeBSD 6.3-STABLE #0: Sun Jan 27 15:15:11 CET 2008 i386
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GimpUserManual-HTML-2_1 The user manual for the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIM
GraphicsMagick-1.1.10 Fast image processing tools based on ImageMagick
ImageMagick- Image processing tools
ORBit-0.5.17_3      High-performance CORBA ORB with support for the C language
ORBit2-2.14.12      High-performance CORBA ORB with support for the C language
OpenEXR-1.6.0       A high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format
Ri-li-2.0.1_1       Drive a toy wood train in many levels - snake-like arcade g
WhistlerK-200010142358_4 A GTK theme engine inspired by the Windows Whistler
Xaw3d-1.5E_2        A 3-D Athena Widget set that looks like Motif
ZendOptimizer-3.3.0.a An optimizer for PHP code
a2ps-a4-4.13b_4     Formats an ascii file for printing on a postscript printer
aalib-1.4.r5_4      An ascii art library
acroread7-7.0.9_2,1 Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (ENU
acroreadwrapper-0.0.20071020 Wrapper script for Adobe Reader
adns-1.4_1          Easy to use, asynchronous-capable DNS client library and ut
adobe-cmaps-20051217_1 Adobe CMap collection
aescrypt-0.7        A command-line AES encryption/decryption suite
afm-1.0             Adobe Font Metrics
agg-2.5_5           A High Quality Rendering Engine for C++
agrep-2.04_1        Approximate grep (fast approximate pattern-matching tool)
aish-1.13           Ish/uuencode/Base64 converter
akode-2.0.2,1       Default KDE audio backend
akode-plugins-mpc-2.0.2,1 Musepack decoder plugin for akode
akode-plugins-mpeg-2.0.2,1 MPEG audio decoder plugin for akode
akode-plugins-oss-2.0.2,1 OSS output plugin for akode
akode-plugins-resampler-2.0.2,1 Resampler plugin for akode
akode-plugins-xiph-2.0.2,1 FLAC/Speex/Vorbis decoder plugin for akode
amarok-1.4.8_2      Media player for KDE
amspsfnt-1.0_5      AMSFonts PostScript Fonts (Adobe Type 1 format)
apache-2.2.8        Version 2.2 of Apache web server with prefork MPM.
apache-ant-1.7.0_1  Java- and XML-based build tool, conceptually similar to mak
apache-forrest-0.8_1 A tool for rapid development of small sites
appres-1.0.1        Program to list application's resources
apr-gdbm-db44-1.2.8_2 The Apache Group's Portability Library
arc-5.21o_1         Create & extract files from DOS .ARC files
argouml-0.24_1      A UML design tool with cognitive support
arj-3.10.22_1       Open-source ARJ
arkpandora-2.04_1   Arkpandora TrueType fonts
arts-1.5.8,1        Audio system for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
artswrapper-1.5.3   Setuid wrapper for arts
artwiz-aleczapka-de-1.3_2 A set of (improved) artwiz fonts
artwiz-aleczapka-en-1.3_2 A set of (improved) artwiz fonts
artwiz-fonts-1.0_3  A set of free fonts for X11 desktops
ascii2pdf-0.9.1     A perl script to convert text files to PDF files
aspell-0.60.5_2     Spelling checker with better suggestion logic than ispell
atk-1.22.0          A GNOME accessibility toolkit (ATK)
audacity-1.2.4b_3   Audacity is a GUI editor for digital audio waveforms
autoconf-2.13.000227_6 Automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms 
autoconf-2.61_2     Automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms 
autoconf-wrapper-20071109 Wrapper script for GNU autoconf
automake-1.10_3     GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator (1.10)
automake-1.4.6_4    GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator (1.4)
automake-1.5_4,1    GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator (1.5)
automake-1.6.3      GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator (1.6)
automake-1.7.9      GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator (1.7)
automake-1.8.5      GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator (1.8)
automake-1.9.6_2    GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator (1.9)
automake-wrapper-20071109 Wrapper script for GNU automake
autossh-1.4a        Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels
autotools-20070905  Autotools meta-port
autotrace-0.31.1_9  Convert bitmap to vector graphics
avahi-0.6.22        The "meta-port" for the Avahi service discovery suite
avahi-app-0.6.22_2  Service discovery on a local network
avidemux2-2.3.0_5   Simple GUI based video editor
avifile-0.7.43_7,2  AVI player/converter with numerous codecs, including MPEG-4
base64-1.5_1        Utility to encode and decode base64 files
bash-3.2.33         The GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell
batik-1.6_1         SVG Toolkit
bdftopcf-1.0.1      Convert X font from BDF to PCF
beforelight-1.0.2   A sample screen saver for X
bigreqsproto-1.0.2  BigReqs extension headers
bind9-       Completely new version of the BIND DNS suite with updated D
bison-2.3_3,1       A parser generator from FSF, (mostly) compatible with Yacc
bitmap-1.0.3        Bitmap editor and converter utilities for X
bitmap-fonts-1.0_1  Bitmap font, (6x12, 7x14, 8x16, 12x24) dots bitmap font
bitstream-vera-1.10_4 Bitstream Vera TrueType font collection
bladeenc-0.94.2     MP3 encoder
boehm-gc-6.8        Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
bomberclone-0.11.8_2 Reimplementation of Atomic Bomber Man
bonnie-2.0.6        Performance Test of Filesystem I/O
boost-python-1.34.1 Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
buffer-1.19         Buffer sporadic I/O for faster tape and pipe throughput
buffy-0.2_4         A GTK theme engine looking like SGI enhanced Motif (aka Rox
bugzilla-3.0.3      Bug-tracking system developed by Mozilla Project
bzip-0.21           A block-sorting file compressor
bzip2-1.0.5         A block-sorting file compressor
cabextract-1.2      A program to extract Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) files
cairo-1.5.14        Vector graphics library with cross-device output support
cairomm-1.4.8_1     C++ interface to cairo
castor-1.1_1        Data binding for XML (JAXB) and SQL database (JDO)
catdoc-0.94.2       MS Word/Excel converter to plain ASCII or TeX. TK viewer in
cdparanoia-3.9.8_8  A CDDA extraction tool (also known as ripper)
cdrdao-1.2.2        Record CD-R[W]s in disk-at-once mode
cdrtools-2.01_6     CD/CD-R[W] and ISO-9660 image creation and extraction tools
childsplay-0.80.2_4 Educative games for children
childsplay_plugins- Educative games for children
chmlib-0.39_2       A library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
clamassassin-1.2.4_1 A simple virus filter wrapper for ClamAV
clamav-0.92.1_1     Command line virus scanner written entirely in C
clamsmtp-1.9        An ClamAV anti-virus SMTP Filter
classpath-0.92_2    A GNU project to create a free Java class library
clean-3.4           Automatically remove unwanted files
clean-theme-gtk-1.2.x_4 The Clean GTK theme engine
cm-super-0.3.3_1    Computer Modern Font Families in Type 1 Fonts
cmake-2.4.8         A cross-platform make
cmpsfont-1.0_6      Computer Modern PostScript Fonts (Adobe Type 1 format)
cole-2.0.1_1        A free C OLE library
colorstep-0.6_4     A theme engine based on GtkStep and Step-pastel
compat5x-i386- A convenience package to install the compat5x libraries
compositeproto-0.4  Composite extension headers
concentration-1.2_3 Find all matching pairs of icons as fast as possible
consolekit-0.2.10   Framework for defining and tracking users
coreutils-6.9_1     The Free Software Foundation's core utilities
crack-5.0           The "Sensible" Unix Password Cracker
cracklib-2.7_2      Password-checking library
crafty-20.14_2      A chess programm for playing and analyzing games
crimson-1.1.3_1     Implements the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP)
cryptix-jce-20050328_1 JCE (Java Cryptography Extension) by Cryptix
csv2latex-0.9.1,1   Converts a well formed csv file to a LaTeX document
csv2xml-0.6         A simple but effective csv to xml converter
cups-base-1.3.6_1   Common UNIX Printing System
cups-pstoraster-8.15.4_1 Postscript interpreter for CUPS printing to non-PS printers
curl-7.16.3_1       Non-interactive tool to get files from FTP, GOPHER, HTTP(S)
cvsbook-1.21_2      A tutorial and reference for CVS
cvsps-2.1           Create patchset information from CVS
cvsup-16.1h_3       General network file distribution system optimized for CVS 
cvsweb-2.0.6_2      WWW CGI script to browse CVS repository trees
cyberbit-ttfonts-2.0.20050220_2 Bitstream Cyberbit is a TrueType font covers Unicode 2.0
cyr-rfx-koi8-o-1.1_1 Cyrillic X11 bitmap fonts from CYR-RFX project
cyrus-sasl-2.1.22   RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
dagrab-0.3.5_1      Read audio tracks from a CD into wav sound files
damageproto-1.1.0_2 Damage extension headers
dap-2.1.5_1         Audio sample editing and processing suite
db4-4.0.14_1,1      The Berkeley DB package, revision 4
db44-       The Berkeley DB package, revision 4.4
dbus-1.1.20         A message bus system for inter-application communication
dbus-glib-0.74      GLib bindings for the D-BUS messaging system
dbus-qt3-0.70_1     Qt3 bindings for the D-BUS messaging system
de-aspell-20030222.1 Aspell German dictionary
de-bsdforen-firefox-searchplugin-0.3 Firefox searchplugins for the board and wik
de-bsdgroup-firefox-searchplugin-0.2_2 Firefox searchplugins for the board
de-ding-1.5_2       A German-English dictionary program for X windows/Unix
de-kde-i18n-3.5.8   German messages and documentation for KDE3
de-koffice-i18n-1.6.3 German messages and documentation for koffice
de-phone-1.0        German phone code / Deutsche Telefonvorwahl (AVON)
dejavu-2.24         Bitstream Vera Fonts clone with a wider range of characters
desktop-file-utils-0.15 A couple of command line utilities for working with desktop
detex-2.8           Strips TeX/LaTeX codes from a file
devede-3.01_3       Create video DVDs, VCDs, sVCDs or CVDs from any number of v
dia-gnome-0.96.1_4,1 Diagram creation program, similar to Visio
diablo-jdk- Java Development Kit 1.5.0_07.01
diacanvas2-0.14.4_1 A general drawing canvas from dia dialog editor
diffutils-2.8.1_1   The GNU diff utilities
dirmngr-1.0.1_1     A client for managing and downloading certificate revocatio
djbfft-0.76_2       An extremely fast library for floating-point convolution
dmidecode-2.9       A tool for dumping DMI (SMBIOS) contents in human-readable 
dmxproto-2.2.2      DMX extension headers
docbook-241_2       V2.4.1 of the DocBook DTD, designed for technical documenta
docbook-4.0_2       V4.0 of the DocBook DTD, designed for technical documentati
docbook-4.1_3       V4.1 of the DocBook DTD, designed for technical documentati
docbook-sk-4.1.2_4  XML version of the DocBook DTD version controlled for Scrol
docbook-utils-0.6.14_3 Generates various output formats from DocBook SGML document
docbook-xml-4.2_1   XML version of the DocBook DTD
docbook-xml-4.3     DocBook/XML DTD V4.3, designed for technical documentation
docbook-xml-4.4     DocBook/XML DTD V4.4, designed for technical documentation
docbook-xml-4.5     DocBook/XML DTD V4.5, designed for technical documentation
docbook-xsl-1.71.1_2 XSL DocBook stylesheets
docproj-1.17_2      The "meta-port" for the FreeBSD Documentation Project
doctorj-5.1.2_1     A tool for analyzing Java code and documentation
dosunix-1.0.14      Manipulation of text files in a mixed DOS/Windows and Unix 
doxygen-1.5.5       A documentation system for C, C++ and other languages
dri-7.0.1,2         OpenGL hardware acceleration drivers for the DRI
dsssl-docbook-modular-1.79_1,1 DSSSL stylesheets for the DocBook DTD by Norman Walsh
dv2jpg-1.1_5        Convert Type-2 DV codec-encoded AVI streams to mjpeg-encode
dv2sub-0.3          Extracts info or subtitles from DV stream
dvbcut-0.5.4_1      Qt application for cutting of MPEG PS and MPEG TS streams (
dvd+rw-tools-7.0    DVD burning software
dvd-slideshow-0.7.5_2 Script that creates a slideshow-style DVD with some simple 
dvdauthor-0.6.14_1  Makes a DVD file structure from one or more MPEG2 streams
dvdbackup-0.1.1_4   Backup content from DVD to hard disk
dvdstyler-,2 WXGTK2 front end to dvd recoding and authoring programs
dvipdfmx-20070409   Dvipdfm with Asian languages by CID-keyed font technology s
dvips2ascii-1.3     PostScript (created by dvips) to ascii converter
dvipsk-tetex-5.95a_2 Convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript
e2fsprogs-1.40.8    Utilities and library to manipulate ext2/ext3 filesystems
eclipse-3.2.2_1     An open extensible IDE for anything and nothing in particul
eclipse-EPIC-0.6.13 EPIC adds Perl support to the Eclipse IDE Framework
eclipse-cdt-3.1.2_1 C/C++ IDE for Eclipse
eclipse-checkstyle- Integrates the Checkstyle Java code auditor into Eclipse
eclipse-emf-2.2.4   Eclipse Modeling Framework
eclipse-examples-3.0_3 Examples for the Eclipse IDE
eclipse-findbugs- An Eclipse plug-in that provides FindBugs support
eclipse-gef-3.2.2_2 Graphical Editing Framework for the Eclipse IDE
eclipse-gef-examples-3.0_3 Graphical Editing Framework for the Eclipse IDE (examples)
eclipse-jad-3.2.4_1 Jad Java decompiler plugin for the Eclipse IDE
eclipse-langpack-3.2.1_1 Eclipse Language Pack Feature
eclipse-log4e-1.1.6_1 Eclipse plugin to use logger easily in Java projects
eclipse-pmd-2.0.5.v3_3 Scan Java source code and look for potential problems
eclipse-quantum-3.0.1_1 Database access and SQL editor for the Eclipse IDE
eclipse-sqlexplorer-2.2.4_2 A visual database query tool for Eclipse
eclipse-sysdeo-tomcat-3.1.0_1 Sysdeo Tomcat Launcher plugin for Eclipse
eclipse-uml-1.1.1_1 A framework creating UML diagrams in Eclipse
eclipse-vep-1.2_1,1 A framework for creating GUI builders for Eclipse
eclipse-webtools-1.5.2_1 Webtools for eclipse
editres-1.0.3       Dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit Applications
emacs-22.1_2        GNU editing macros
emovix-0.9.0        A mini linux distro to create bootable video CDs
enchant-1.3.0       Dictionary/spellchecking framework
encodings-1.0.2,1   X.Org Encoding fonts
engradient-0.5_4    A GTK+ engine-gradient theme based off of the IceGradient t
enscript-a4-1.6.4_1 ASCII to PostScript filter
enscriptfonts-0.81  More than 120 free- and share-ware fonts to extend enscript
eps2png-2.5_1       Converts EPS images to PNG
epsmerge-2.2.2      Merge multiple EPS files into one EPS or PS file
epstool-3.08_1      Create or extract preview bitmaps in EPS files
esound-0.2.38       A sound library for enlightenment package
etlfonts-noncjk-1.0_1 X11 supplemental fonts
evieext-1.0.2       XEVIE extension headers
expat-2.0.0_1       XML 1.0 parser written in C
ezm3-1.2_1          Easier, more portable Modula-3 distribution for building CV
faac-1.26_1         MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AAC audio encoder
faad2-2.6.1,1       MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AAC audio decoder
fastest_cvsup-0.2.9_5 Finds fastest CVSup server
ffmpeg-2007.10.04_3 Hyper fast realtime audio/video encoder/converter, streamin
fftw3-3.1.2         Fast C routines to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform
findutils-4.4.0     The GNU find utilities
firefox-,1 Web browser based on the browser portion of Mozilla
fixesproto-4.0      Fixes extension headers
fixrtf-0.1.20060303 A patch making it possible to embed PNGs into RTFs
flac-1.1.2_2        Free lossless audio codec
fltk-1.1.7_4        C++ graphical user interface for X
font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.0_1 X.Org Adobe 100dpi font
font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.0 X.Org Adobe 75dpi font
font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.1 X.Org Adobe Utopia 100dpi font
font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.1 X.Org Adobe Utopia 75dpi font
font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.1 X.Org Adobe Utopia Type1 font
font-alias-1.0.1    X.Org Font aliases
font-arabic-misc-1.0.0 X.Org miscellaneous Arabic fonts
font-bh-100dpi-1.0.0 X.Org Bigelow Holmes 100dpi font
font-bh-75dpi-1.0.0 X.Org Bigelow Holmes 75dpi font
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.0 X.Org Bigelow Holmes Lucida TypeWriter 100dpi font
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.0 X.Org Bigelow Holmes Lucida TypeWriter 75dpi font
font-bh-ttf-1.0.0   X.Org Bigelow & Holmes TTF font
font-bh-type1-1.0.0 X.Org Bigelow Holmes Type1 font
font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.0 X.Org Bitstream Vera 100dpi font
font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.0 X.Org Bitstream Vera 75dpi font
font-bitstream-type1-1.0.0 X.Org Bitstream Vera Type1 font
font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.0 X.Org Cronyx Cyrillic font
font-cursor-misc-1.0.0 X.Org miscellaneous Cursor fonts
font-daewoo-misc-1.0.0 X.Org miscellaneous Daewoo fonts
font-dec-misc-1.0.0 X.Org miscellaneous Dec fonts
font-ibm-type1-1.0.0 X.Org IBM Type1 font
font-isas-misc-1.0.0 X.Org miscellaneous ISAS fonts
font-jis-misc-1.0.0 X.Org miscellaneous JIS fonts
font-micro-misc-1.0.0 X.Org miscellaneous Micro fonts
font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.0 X.Org miscellaneous Cyrillic font
font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.0 X.Org miscellaneous Ethiopic font
font-misc-meltho-1.0.0_1 X.Org miscellaneous Meltho font
font-misc-misc-1.0.0 X.Org miscellaneous Misc fonts
font-mutt-misc-1.0.0 X.Org miscellaneous Mutt fonts
font-schumacher-misc-1.0.0 X.Org miscellaneous Schumacher fonts
font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.1 X.Org Screen Cyrillic font
font-sony-misc-1.0.0 X.Org miscellaneous Sony fonts
font-sun-misc-1.0.0 X.Org miscellaneous Sun fonts
font-util-1.0.1     Create an index of X font files in a directory
font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.0 X.Org Winitzki Cyrillic font
font-xfree86-type1-1.0.0 X.Org XFree86 Type1 font
fontcacheproto-0.1.2 Fontcache extension headers
fontconfig-2.5.0,1  An XML-based font configuration API for X Windows
fontforge-20080309_2 Type 1/TrueType/OpenType/bitmap font editor
fontsproto-2.0.2    Fonts extension headers
fonttosfnt-1.0.3    Wrap a bitmap font in a sftn wrapper
foomatic-db-20070124_1 Foomatic database
foomatic-db-engine-20070124,1 Foomatic database engine
foomatic-filters-3.0.2_4 Foomatic wrapper scripts
fop-0.94            Print formatter driven by XSL formatting
freefonts-0.10_4    A collection of ATM fonts (not all free) from the CICA arch
freemind-0.8.1,1    Free mind-mapping software written in Java
freetds-0.64_1      Sybase/Microsoft TDS protocol library
freetype2-2.3.5     A free and portable TrueType font rendering engine
fribidi-0.10.9      A Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorith
fslsfonts-1.0.1     List fonts served by the X font server
fstobdf-1.0.2       Generate BDF font from X font server
fusefs-kmod-0.3.9.p1.20080208 Kernel module for fuse
fusefs-libs-2.7.2_1 FUSE allows filesystem implementation in userspace
gail-1.22.0         An implementation of the ATK interfaces for GTK+ widgets
gamin-0.1.9_1       A file and directory monitoring system
gawk-3.1.5_1        The GNU version of Awk
gcc-4.1.3_20080303  GNU Compiler Collection 4.1
gcc-4.2.4_20080326  GNU Compiler Collection 4.2
gcc-ooo-3.4.1_3     GNU Compiler Collection for
gccmakedep-1.0.2    Create dependencies in makefiles using 'gcc -M'
gcompris-  Gnome2 educational games and activities for kids ages 2 to 
gconf2-2.22.0       A configuration database system for GNOME
gd-2.0.35,1         A graphics library for fast creation of images
gdb-6.6             GNU GDB of newer version than comes with the system
gdbm-1.8.3_3        The GNU database manager
gdk-pixbuf-0.22.0_6 A graphic library for GTK+
gdvrecv-1.2_3       DV Tools for FreeBSD
gentium-1.0.2_3     Gentium TrueType font collection
getbdf-1.0_1        Convert any X server font to .bdf format
getopt-1.1.4        A getopt(1) replacement that supports GNU-style long option
gettext-0.16.1_3    GNU gettext package
ghostscript-gpl-8.61_4 GPL Postscript interpreter
ghostview-1.5_1     An X11 front-end for ghostscript, the GNU postscript previe
giblib-1.2.4_6      A utility library that includes a wrapper for imlib2
gif2png-2.5.1       Converts GIF images to a PNG format
gifmerge-1.33       A tool for making a GIF Animation
giftrans-1.12.2     A tool for GIF89a transparent option and interlace mode
gimp-2.4.5,2        The "meta-port" for The Gimp
gimp-app-2.4.5,1    A GNU Image Manipulation Program
gimp-gutenprint-5.1.7 GutenPrint Printer Driver
gio-fam-backend-2.16.1_1 FAM backend for GLib's GIO library
glib-1.2.10_12      Some useful routines of C programming (previous stable vers
glib-2.16.1_2       Some useful routines of C programming (current stable versi
glibmm-2.16.0,1     C++ interfaces for glib2
glitz-0.5.6_1       OpenGL image compositing library
glpk-4.25           A GNU Linear Programming Kit
glproto-1.4.8       GLX extension headers
gmake-3.81_2        GNU version of 'make' utility
gnash-0.8.1_3       GNU Flash movie player
gnome-desktop-2.22.0 Additional UI API for GNOME 2
gnome-doc-utils-0.12.2 GNOME doc utils
gnome-icon-theme-2.22.0 A collection of icons for the GNOME 2 desktop
gnome-keyring-2.22.0 A program that keeps passwords and other secrets
gnome-menus-2.22.0  Implementation of the FreeDesktop Desktop Menu Spec
gnome-mime-data-2.18.0_2 A MIME and Application database for GNOME
gnome-mount-0.7_5   A front-end to mount, umount, and eject using HAL
gnome-panel-2.22.0_2 Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop
gnome-vfs-2.22.0    GNOME Virtual File System
gnome_subr-1.0      Common startup and shutdown subroutines used by GNOME scrip
gnomehier-2.3_10    A utility port that creates the GNOME directory tree
gnotime-2.2.2_7     GnoTime is a time tracker for gnome2
gnu-regexp-1.1.4_1  A regexp library for Java
gnuchess-5.07       "Classic" Gnu Chess
gnupg-2.0.8         The GNU Privacy Guard
gnuplot-4.2.2_1     A command-driven interactive function plotting program
gnutls-2.2.2        GNU Transport Layer Security library
gocr-0.45           An OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program
gopchop-1.0.0_5     MPEG2 GOP-accurate editor
gpac-libgpac-0.4.4,1 Gpac MPEG-4 Systems library and headers
gpgme-1.1.5         A library to make access to GnuPG easier
graphviz-2.16.1_1   Graph Visualization Software from AT&T and Bell Labs
gsfonts-8.11_4      Fonts used by GNU Ghostscript (or X)
gsm-1.0.12          Audio converter and library for converting u-law to gsm enc
gtar-1.19           GNU version of the traditional tar archiver
gtk-1.2.10_18       Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (previous stable version)
gtk-2.12.9_1        Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (current stable version)
gtk-Mac2-theme-200003050858_4 GTK+ engine theme based on the look of MacOS
gtk-engines-0.12_6  Theme engine for gtk+ toolkits
gtk-engines2-2.14.0_1 Theme engine for the gtk+-2.0 toolkit
gtk-flat-theme-0.1_5 A GTK+ theme engine which gives GTK+ a flattened appearance
gtk-qn-x11-theme-0.1_4 The QN-X11 GTK theme engine
gtk-qt-engine-0.8   GTK-QT Theme Engine allows GTK2 apps to use QT/KDE themes
gtk-zenith-theme-1.0_4 The Zenith GTK theme engine
gtkbe-200007091019_4 BeOS look-alike GTK+ theme engine
gtkglext-1.2.0_1    An OpenGL extension to GTK
gtkhtml3-3.18.0     Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
gtkmm-2.12.5        C++ wrapper for Gtk+, Pango, Atk
gtkspell-2.0.11_5   A GTK+ 2 spell checking component
gtkstep-2.2_4       A theme module to make GTK+ look like the NeXTSTEP(tm) inte
gtkstep-pastel-0.10.1_4 Theme engine based on GtkStep to make GTK+ look nicier
guavac-1.2_1        Java compiler and decompiler developed under GPL
guile-1.8.4_2       GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
gutenprint-5.1.7    The "meta-port" for GutenPrint
gutenprint-base-5.1.7 GutenPrint Printer Driver
gutenprint-cups-5.1.7_2 GutenPrint Printer Driver
gutenprint-foomatic-5.1.7 GutenPrint Printer Driver
gutenprint-ijs-5.1.7 GutenPrint Printer Driver
gv-3.6.3_1          A PostScript and PDF previewer
gvfs-0.2.2_1        GNOME virtual file system
gzip-1.3.12_1       A compression utility designed to be a replacement for comp
ha-0.999b_1         The HA archiver using the HSC compression method
hal-0.5.11.r2_4     Hardware Abstraction Layer for simplifying device access
heimdal-1.0.1       A popular BSD-licensed implementation of Kerberos 5
help2man-1.36.4_1   Automatically generating simple manual pages from program o
hevea-1.09_1        Convert LaTeX to HTML
hffzip-1.01         File compressor based on Huffman coding
hicolor-icon-theme-0.10_2 A high-color icon theme shell from the FreeDesktop project
hpijs-2.1.4_1       Drivers and support resources for HP Inkjet Printers
html-4.01_2         All W3C published SGML DTDs for HTML
html2text-1.3.2a    Converts HTML documents into plain text
htmldoc-1.8.27_3    Converts HTML to PDF and/or PostScript
htmlobject-2.28     HTML Document Object
htmltolatex-1_8     HTML to LaTeX to PDF Converter
http-analyze-2.01_6 A fast Log-Analyzer for web servers
http_load-20060312  Multiprocessing http performance test client
httperf-0.9.0       A tool for measuring webserver performance
iceauth-1.0.2       ICE authority file utility for X
icegradient-200012290259_4 A GTK+ gradient theme engine based on ThinIce
ico-1.0.2           Displays a wire-frame rotating plyhedron
icoconvert-2.0_1    A small utility to convert Windows icon files into .xpm and
icon-naming-utils-0.8.6 Utilities of the Tango project
iconv-2.0_3         Charset conversion library and utilities
iconv-extra-2.0     Additional charsets for the iconv library (those from the U
icu-3.8.1_1         International Components for Unicode (from IBM)
ilmbase-1.0.0_2     ILM Base libraries a.k.a. Half, IlmThread, Imath and Iex
imake-1.0.2_4,1     Imake and other utilities from X.Org
imlib-1.9.15_5      A graphic library for enlightenment package
imlib2-,2  The next generation graphics library for Enlightenment
inkscape-0.45.1_1   A program seeks to become a full featured open source SVG e
inputproto-  Input extension headers
intlfonts-1.2.1_1   Free X11 fonts for all characters that Emacs can handle
intltool-0.37.1     Tools to internationalize various kinds of data files
iozone-3.283_1      Performance Test of Sequential File I/O
ish-1.11            Binary-to-text file-encoder
iso-codes-2.0       Lists of the country, language and currency iso names
iso8879-1986_2      Character entity sets from ISO 8879:1986 (SGML)
ispell-3.2.06_18    An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
jackit-0.103.0_1    A low-latency audio server
jad-1.5.8c          Jad, a Java decompiler
jade-1.2.1_9        An object-oriented SGML/XML parser toolkit and DSSSL engine
jadetex-3.13_2      A TeX backend for Jade, for typesetting SGML documents
jaf-1.1_1           JavaBeansTM Activation Framework
jakarta-bcel-5.2_1  A library for generating Java bytecode
jakarta-commons-beanutils-1.7.0_1 JavaBeans utility library
jakarta-commons-chain-1.1_1 API implementing Chain of Responsiblity design pattern
jakarta-commons-cli-1.0_1,1 Java library for command line arguments and options
jakarta-commons-codec-1.3_1 An implementations of common encoders and decoders
jakarta-commons-collections-3.2_1 Classes that extend/augment the Java Collections Framework
jakarta-commons-configuration-1.3_1 Java package for the reading of configuration/preferences f
jakarta-commons-dbcp-1.2.1_1 The DBCP Component
jakarta-commons-digester-1.7_1 XML-to-Java-object mapping utility package
jakarta-commons-discovery-0.4_1 A Java library for locating resources (including classes)
jakarta-commons-httpclient-3.1 A package implementing the client side of the HTTP standard
jakarta-commons-io-1.3.2 A collection of I/O utilities for Java
jakarta-commons-jelly-1.0_1 XML based scripting engine
jakarta-commons-lang-2.3_1 Jakarta library with helper utilities for the java.lang API
jakarta-commons-logging-1.1_1 Generic logging wrapper library
jakarta-commons-math-1.1_1 Java library of self-contained mathematics and statistics c
jakarta-commons-pool-1.3_1 Jakarta Object-pooling API
jakarta-commons-primitives-1.0_2 A library supporting Java primitive types
jakarta-jmeter-2.3.1 Functional behaviour load and performance test application
jakarta-oro-2.0.8_1 Perl/awk/sh regular expressions for Java
jakarta-poi-2.5.1_1 Java API To Access Microsoft Format Files
jakarta-regexp-1.5_1 Regular expressions for Java
jakarta-tomcat-5.0.30_6 Open-source Java web server by Apache, 5.0.x branch
jasmin-2.3_1,1      Java Assembler Interface
jasper-1.900.1_6    An implementation of the codec specified in the JPEG-2000 s
java-checkstyle-4.4 Java style checker
javamail-1.4_1      A Reference Implementation of JSR 919
javavmwrapper-2.3   Wrapper script for various Java Virtual Machines
jaxen-1.0_3         Java XPath Engine
jbigkit-1.6         Lossless compression for bi-level images such as scanned pa
jce-aba-java12-1.1_1 Clean room implementation of the Java Cryptograph Extension
jdk-1.4.2p8_10      Java Development Kit 1.4.2
jdk-       Java Development Kit 1.6.0
jdk-doc-1.5.0_1     Java Development Kit 1.5 Documentation
jdom-1.0_1,1        Java library for accessing and manipulating XML documents
jflex-1.4.1_1       The Fast Lexical Analyser Generator for Java[tm]
jgraph-   The Java Graph Diagram Component
jikes-1.22_1        A very fast Java source to byte-code compiler made availabl
jlex-1.2.6_2        A lexical analyzer generator, written for Java, in Java
jlint-3.1           Java program analyzer and checker
jmk-x11-fonts-3.0_1 Jim Knoble's font package for X
jpeg-6b_4           IJG's jpeg compression utilities
jpeg2pdf-0.12       Converts a directory of JPEG (JPG) files to a PDF file
jpeg2ps-a4-1.9_2    Converter for JPEG compressed images to PostScript Level 2
junit-3.8.2_1       A regression testing utility for use with the Java(TM) Lang
k3b-1.0.4           A CD/DVD recording GUI for KDE
kasablanca- Graphical ftp client for KDE
kbproto-1.0.3       KB extension headers
kchmviewer-3.0_1    A Qt/KDE viewer for CHM files
kde-3.5.8_1         The "meta-port" for KDE
kde-lite-3.5.8_1    The FreeBSD release "meta-port" for (a subset of) KDE
kde-style-comix-1.3.8_1 Flat KDE style and window decoration
kde-style-lipstik-2.2.3 Modified Plastik KDE style
kde-xdg-env-1.0_3,1 Script which hooks into startkde and helps KDE pick up XDG 
kdeaccessibility-3.5.8 Accessibility applications for KDE
kdeaddons-kate-plugins-3.5.8 Additonal plugins and features for kate
kdeadmin-3.5.8      KDE applications related to system administration
kdeartwork-3.5.8    Additional themes, sounds, wallpapers and window styles for
kdebase-3.5.8_1     Basic applications for the KDE system
kdebase-kompmgr-3.5.8 Utility needed to enable XComposite support in KDE
kdeedu-3.5.8        Collection of entertaining, educational programs for KDE
kdegames-3.5.8      Games for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
kdegraphics-3.5.8_1 Graphics utilities for the KDE3 integrated X11 desktop
kdegraphics-kamera-3.5.8 Digital camera support for KDE
kdegraphics-kooka-3.5.8 Raster image scan program for KDE
kdegraphics-kuickshow-3.5.8 KDE image viewer
kdehier-1.0_11      Utility port which installs a hierarchy of shared KDE direc
kdelibs-3.5.8       Base set of libraries needed by KDE programs
kdemultimedia-3.5.8 Multimedia utilities for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
kdemultimedia-mpeglib_artsplug-3.5.8 Legacy KDE audio backend
kdemultimedia-xine_artsplugin-3.5.8 Xine-based multimedia backend for KDE
kdenetwork-3.5.8    Network-related programs and modules for KDE
kdepim-3.5.8        Personal Information Management tools for KDE
kdesdk-3.5.8        KDE Software Development Kit
kdesvn-0.14.1       KDE frontend for Subversion
kdetoys-3.5.8       Small applications for KDE
kdeutils-3.5.8      Utilities for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
kdevelop-3.5.0      IDE for a wide variety of programming tasks
kdewebdev-3.5.8,2   Comprehensive html/website development environment
kdiff3-0.9.92       A KDE3 graphical frontend for diff
kdissert-1.0.7_1    KDE mindmapping tool
kino-1.3.0_1        A DV non-linear video editor
kmenc15-0.04_2      KDE advanced MEncoder frontend, ala, VirtualDub
kmplayer-0.10.0c,2  KDE frontend to MPlayer, Xine, GStreamer
knights-0.6_5       A KDE chess interface (gnuchess/crafty)
koffice-1.6.3_3,2   Office Suite for KDE3
kpictorial-0.9.1_5  Little logical game for KDE
krusader-1.80.0     A two window file-manager for KDE, like midnight or norton 
ksudoku-0.4         A Sudoku generator and solver for KDE
ktorrent-2.2.5      BitTorrent client for KDE
lame-3.97_1         ISO code based fast MP3 encoder kit
latex2rtf-1.9.15    Translator from LaTeX to RTF
latexdiff-0.3       Determine and mark up significant differences between latex
lbrate-1.1_2        Extract/decompress CP/M LBR archives
lcms-1.17,1         Light Color Management System -- a color management library
ldapdiff-1.2.3      A utility for patching LDAP directories using LDIF files
ldvd-2.0.1_6        Gui, which shall simplify shrinking a DVD-9 to a DVD-5
less-382            A better pager utility
lfpfonts-fix-0.82_1 Fixed width fonts from the Linux Font Project
lfpfonts-var-0.83_1 Variable width fonts from the Linux Font Project
lha-1.14i_6         Archive files using LZSS and Huffman compression (.lzh file
libEMF-1.0          Enhanced Metafile Library
libFS-1.0.0_1       The FS library
libGL-7.0.1         OpenGL library that renders using GLX or DRI
libGLU-7.0.1        OpenGL utility library
libICE-1.0.4_1,1    Inter Client Exchange library for X11
libIDL-0.8.10       A library for creating trees of CORBA IDL files
libSM-1.0.3_1,1     Session Management library for X11
libX11-1.1.3_1,1    X11 library
libXScrnSaver-1.1.2 The XScrnSaver library
libXTrap-1.0.0      The XTrap library
libXau-1.0.3_2      Authentication Protocol library for X11
libXaw-1.0.4_1,1    X Athena Widgets library
libXcomposite-0.4.0,1 X Composite extension library
libXcursor-1.1.9_1  X client-side cursor loading library
libXdamage-1.1.1    X Damage extension library
libXdmcp-1.0.2_1    X Display Manager Control Protocol library
libXevie-1.0.2      The Xevie library
libXext-1.0.3,1     X11 Extension library
libXfixes-4.0.3_1   X Fixes extension library
libXfont-1.3.1_3,1  X font libary
libXfontcache-1.0.4 The Xfontcache library
libXft-2.1.12       A client-sided font API for X applications
libXgFonts-1.0_2    UNICODE fonts for use with 9term and sam
libXi-1.1.3,1       X Input extension library
libXinerama-1.0.2,1 X11 Xinerama library
libXmu-1.0.3,1      X Miscellaneous Utilities libraries
libXp-1.0.0,1       X print library
libXpm-3.5.7        X Pixmap library
libXprintAppUtil-1.0.1 The XprintAppUtil library
libXprintUtil-1.0.1 The XprintUtil library
libXrandr-1.2.2_1   X Resize and Rotate extension library
libXrender-0.9.4_1  X Render extension library
libXres-1.0.3_3     X Resource usage library
libXt-1.0.5_1       X Toolkit library
libXtst-1.0.3_1     X Test extension
libXv-1.0.3_1,1     X Video Extension library
libXvMC-1.0.4_1     X Video Extension Motion Compensation library
libXxf86dga-1.0.2   X DGA Extension
libXxf86misc-1.0.1  X XF86-Misc Extension
libXxf86vm-1.0.1    X Vidmode Extension
liba52-0.7.4_1      A free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams, aka AC-3
libao-0.8.8_1       Portable audio output library
libart_lgpl-2.3.20,1 Library for high-performance 2D graphics
libassetml-1.2.1_7  Devel Library to share image and audio files between projec
libassuan-1.0.4     IPC library used by GnuPG and gpgme
libaudiofile-0.2.6  A sound library for SGI audio file
libbonobo-2.22.0    A component and compound document system for GNOME2
libbonoboui-2.22.0  GUI frontend to the libbonobo component of GNOME 2
libcaca-0.99.b13    Graphics library that outputs text instead of pixels
libcddb-1.3.0       A library to access data on a CDDB server
libcddb-doc-1.3.0   Libcddb documentation
libcdio-0.77_2      Compact Disc Input and Control Library
libchk-1.9          A tool to check shared library links
libcroco-0.6.1      CSS2 parsing library
libdaemon-0.12      Lightweight C library that eases the writing of UNIX daemon
libdca-0.0.5        Free DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder
libdmx-1.0.2_1      DMX extension library
libdnet-1.11_1      A simple interface to low level networking routines
libdrm-2.3.0        Userspace interface to kernel Direct Rendering Module servi
libdv-0.104_5       Quasar DV codec (libdv): software codec for DV video encodi
libdvbpsi-0.1.6     A library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decoding and gener
libdvdcss-1.2.9_2   Portable abstraction library for DVD decryption
libdvdnav-0.1.10_3  The library for the xine-dvdnav plugin
libdvdread-0.9.7_3  This is needed by ogle, which is a DVD player that supports
libebml-0.7.8       EBML (Extensible Binary Meta Language), sort of binary vers
libexif-0.6.15      Library to read digital camera file meta-data
libfame-0.9.1_2     A video encoding library
libfontenc-1.0.4    The fontenc Library
libfpx-   Library routines for working with Flashpix images
libgcrypt-1.4.0     General purpose crypto library based on code used in GnuPG
libgda2-1.2.4_3,1   Provides uniform access to different kinds of data sources
libglade2-2.6.2     GNOME glade library
libglut-7.0.1_1     OpenGL utility toolkit
libgmp-4.2.2        A free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
libgnome-2.22.0     Libraries for GNOME, a GNU desktop environment
libgnomecanvas- A graphics library for GNOME
libgnomecups-0.2.3,1 Support library for gnome cups admistration
libgnomeprint-2.18.4 Gnome print support library
libgnomeprintui-2.18.2 Gnome print support library
libgnomeui-2.22.01  Libraries for the GNOME GUI, a GNU desktop environment
libgpg-error-1.6    Common error values for all GnuPG components
libgphoto2-2.4.0    A universal digital camera picture control tool
libgpod-0.6.0       A library for direct access of iPod's contents
libgsf-1.14.8       An extensible i/o abstraction for dealing with structured f
libgtkhtml-2.11.1   Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
libgweather-2.22.0  Library to accessing online weather informations
libiconv-1.11_1     A character set conversion library
libid3tag-0.15.1b   ID3 tags library (part of MAD project)
libidn-1.2          Internationalized Domain Names command line tool
libijs-0.35_1       C library that supports plugin printer driver for Ghostscri
libksba-1.0.2       KSBA is an X.509 Library
libltdl-1.5.24      System independent dlopen wrapper
libmad-0.15.1b_2    Libmad library (part of MAD project)
libmal-0.42_1       A library encapsulating malsync
libmatroska-0.8.1   Extensible Multimedia Container Format
libmikmod-esound-3.1.11_2 MikMod Sound Library
libmng-1.0.9        Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library
libmodplug-0.8.4    ModPlug mod-like music shared libraries
libmpcdec-1.2.6     High quality audio compression format
libmpeg2-0.4.1_3    A free library for decoding mpeg-2 and mpeg-1 video streams
libmspack-0.0.20040308_3 A library for Microsoft compression formats
libmtp-0.2.4        Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) library
libmusicbrainz-2.1.5 2nd generation incarnation of the CD Index - audio metadata
libnet113-devel-1.1.3.r1_1 A C library for creating IP packets (development version)
libnjb-2.2.6_1      C library, API for communicating with Creative and Dell aud
libnotify-0.4.4_1   A library for desktop notifications
libofa-0.9.3_1      The Open Fingerprint Architecture Library
libogg-1.1.3,4      Ogg bitstream library
liboil-0.3.14       Library of optimized inner loops
liboldX-1.0.1       Old X library
libopendaap-0.4.0_1 C lib used to connect to iTunes(R) music shares
libopensync-0.22_1  Freedesktop synchronization framework
libpaper-1.1.21_3   A library providing routines for paper size management
libquicktime-1.0.2_1 A library for reading and writing quicktime files
librsvg2-2.22.2     Library for parsing and rendering SVG vector-graphic files
librsync-0.9.7_1    Library for delta compression of streams
libsamplerate-0.1.3 Secret Rabbit Code: a Sample Rate Converter for audio
libsexy-0.1.11      Extension widgets for GTK+
libsigc++-2.2.2     Callback Framework for C++
libsmi-0.4.7        A library to access SMI MIB information
libsndfile-1.0.17_1 Reading and writing files containing sampled sound (like WA
libsoup-2.4.0       A SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) implementation in C
libspiro-20071029   Library to convert clothoid splines into bezier splines
libsvg-0.1.4_1      A parser for SVG content in files or buffers
libsvg-cairo-0.1.6_3 SVG rendering library
libtasn1-1.3        ASN.1 structure parser library
libthai-0.1.5_3     Thai language support library
libtheora-1.0.b2    Theora video codec for the Ogg multimedia streaming system
libtool-1.5.24      Generic shared library support script
libtunepimp-0.5.3_1,1 Client library for musicbrainz
libungif-4.1.4_5    Tools and library routines for working with GIF images
libunicode-0.4_8    A library for manipulating Unicode characters and strings
libuninameslist-20060907 A library of Unicode annotation data
libunrar-3.7.8,1    Library to work with RAR archivies
libusb-0.1.12_1     Library giving userland programs access to USB devices
libvolume_id-0.81.0 Library to provide file system type information
libvorbis-1.2.0_1,3 Audio compression codec library
libwmf-    Tools and library for converting Microsoft WMF (windows met
libwnck-2.22.0      Library used for writing pagers and taskslists
libwpd-0.8.9_1      Tools for importing and exporting WordPerfect(tm) documents
libwww-5.4.0_4      The W3C Reference Library
libxine-1.1.11      Libraries for xine multimedia player
libxkbfile-1.0.4    XKB file library
libxkbui-1.0.2_1    The xkbui library
libxml++-2.22.0     XML API for C++
libxml2-2.6.31      XML parser library for GNOME
libxslt-1.1.22_1    The XSLT C library for GNOME
linc-1.0.3_6        A library for writing networked servers & clients
links-0.98,1        Lynx-like text WWW browser
links-2.1.p28,1     Lynx-like text WWW browser
linux-atk-1.9.1     Accessibility Toolkit, Linux/i386 binary
linux-cairo-1.0.2   Linux cairo binary
linux-expat-1.95.8  Linux/i386 binary port of Expat XML-parsing library
linux-fontconfig-2.2.3_7 Linux/i386 binary of Fontconfig
linux-glib2-2.6.6   Version 2.X Linux/i386 binary port of GLib
linux-gtk-1.2.10_4  RPM of the Gtk lib
linux-gtk2-2.6.10   GTK+ library, version 2.X, Linux binary
linux-jpeg-6b.34    RPM of the JPEG lib
linux-pango-1.10.2  Linux pango binary
linux-png-1.2.8_2   RPM of the PNG lib
linux-realplayer- Linux RealPlayer 10 from RealNetworks
linux-tiff-3.7.1    TIFF library, Linux/i386 binary
linux-winetools-1.30_2 A setup and configuration tool for WINE
linux-xorg-libs-6.8.2_5 Xorg libraries, linux binaries
linux_base-fc-4_10  Base set of packages needed in Linux mode (for i386/amd64)
linuxdoc-1.1_1      The Linuxdoc SGML DTD
linuxpluginwrapper-20051113_8 A wrapper allowing use of linux-plugins with native applica
listres-1.0.1       List resources in widgets
liveMedia-2008.02.08,1 LIVE.COM Streaming Media
localedata-5.4      Legacy locale data for FreeBSD 6+
log4j-1.2.15        A fast and flexible logging library for Java
lp_solve-   Linear Programming Solver
lsof-4.79H          Lists information about open files (similar to fstat(1))
luit-1.0.2_2        Locale and ISO 2022 support for Unicode terminals
lxdvdrip-1.62_2     Command Line Tool to make a copy from a Video DVD
lynx-,1    A non-graphical, text-based World-Wide Web client
lzo-1.08_2,1        Portable speedy, lossless data compression library
lzo2-2.02_1         Portable speedy, lossless data compression library
m4-1.4.9,1          GNU m4
mDNSResponder-108   Apple's mDNSResponder
macutils-2.0b3      Utilities for Apple Macintosh files
makedepend-1.0.1,1  A dependency generator for makefiles
makefs-20040704     Builds FFS images
makeindex-3.0.8     A general purpose, formatter-independent index processor
makepatch-2.03      Perl scripts to assist in the generation and application of
makeself-2.1.5      A neat script to make self-extracting archives
man2html-3.0.1_1    Convert nroff(1) man pages to HTML
maven2-2.0.8        Java project management tool, 2.0 branch
mawk-1.3.3          An implementation of new/posix awk
mctoolame-decoder-0.1.a_2 A LayerII MPEG Audio decoder which supports multi-channel e
mctoolame-encoder-0.1.a_1 A LayerII MPEG Audio encoder which supports multi-channel e
md5deep-2.0.1       Program to compute various message digests recursively
memcheck-0.2.4      Memory Allocation Checker
memtest-4.0.7       Utility to test for faulty memory subsystem
mencoder-0.99.11_1  Convenient video file and movie encoder
metacity-2.22.0     A window manager for the adult in you
mftrace-1.2.14_1    Scalable PostScript (Type1) Fonts for MetaFont
mime-1.1_2          C library to parse mime data
mime-support- MIME Media Types list
mimelib-1.1.2_1     C++ class library for manipulating messages in MIME format
ming-0.3.0_3        LGPL'ed Flash 4/5 movie output library with many languages 
mjpegtools-1.9.0.r3_1 Set of tools to record/playback/edit videos in MPEG format
mkbold-mkitalic-0.11_1 Programs to make BDF font bold/italic
mkcomposecache-1.2_1 Program to create Compose cache files
mkfontdir-1.0.3_1   Create an index of X font files in a directory
mkfontscale-1.0.3   Creates an index of scalable font files for X
mkmf-4.11           Creates program and library makefiles for the make(1) comma
mmencode-2.7        Translate to and from mail-oriented encoding formats
mmv-1.01b.14_1      Move/Copy/Append/Link multiple files
mod_jk-ap2-1.2.26   Apache2 JK module for connecting to Tomcat using AJP1X
mp3burn-0.4.0       Command line tool for making audio CDs from mp3s
mp3splt-2.1c_2      Utility to split mp3 and ogg files (via CUE sheets)
mpack-1.6_1         External MIME packer/unpacker
mpage-2.5.6         Print multiple pages per sheet of paper
mpeg2codec-1.2_3    An MPEG-2 Encoder and Decoder
mpeg4ip-libmp4v2-1.6.1 Mpeg-4 library and tools from mpeg4ip
mpfr-2.3.1          A library for multiple-precision floating-point computation
mpg123-esound-0.59r_17 Command-line player for mpeg layer 1, 2 and 3 audio
mpgtx-1.3.1_2       A command line MPEG audio/video/system file toolbox
mplayer-0.99.11_3   High performance media player supporting many formats
mplayer-skins-1.1.2_6 Skins for MPlayer's Graphical User Interface (GUI)
mscompress-0.3      Microsoft "compress.exe/expand.exe" compatible (de)compress
myfaces-1.1.1_1     Free open source JavaServer(tm) Faces implementation
mysql-client-5.1.23 Multithreaded SQL database (client)
mysql-connector-java-5.1.6 MySQL Connector/J: JDBC interface for MySQL
mysql-server-5.1.23 Multithreaded SQL database (server)
mysqlman-1.09_1     MySQLMan is a web based MySQL database manager written in p
nas-1.8_1           Network Audio System
nasm-0.98.39,1      General-purpose multi-platform x86 assembler
ncftp-3.2.1         ftp replacement with advanced user interface
neXtaw-0.15.1_2     Athena Widgets with N*XTSTEP appearance
neon-0.26.4         An HTTP and WebDAV client library for Unix systems
nessus-gtk2-2.2.9_1 A security scanner: looks for vulnerabilities in a given ne
nessus-libnasl-2.2.9_1 Nessus Attack Scripting Language
nessus-libraries-2.2.9_1 Libraries for Nessus, the security scanner
net-snmp-5.4.1      An extendable SNMP implementation
netpbm-10.26.52     A toolkit for conversion of images between different format
nexfontsel-3.0.1_2  A neXtaw based replacement for xfontsel
nspr-4.6.8          A platform-neutral API for system level and libc like funct
nss-3.11.9_2        Libraries to support development of security-enabled applic
nucleus-0.77_3      Another font package for X
oclock-1.0.1        Round clock application for X
ogle-0.9.2_8        Open DVD player that supports DVD menus
okle-0.4_5          A KDE frontend to the Ogle DVD player
open-motif-2.2.3_5  Motif X11 Toolkit (industry standard GUI (IEEE 1295))
openldap-client-2.3.41 Open source LDAP client implementation
openslp-1.2.1_2     Open-source implementation of the Service Location Protocol
openssl-0.9.8g      SSL and crypto library
opera-9.26.20080215 A blazingly fast, full-featured, standards-compliant browse
opera-linuxplugins-9.21.20070510_1 Linux plugin support for the native Opera browser
p5-Algorithm-Diff-1.1902 Perl interface to compute differences between two objects
p5-AppConfig-1.66   A Perl module for reading configuration files
p5-Archive-Tar-1.38_1 Perl module for creation and manipulation of tar files
p5-Archive-Zip-1.23 Perl module to create, manipulate, read, and write Zip arch
p5-Array-Window-1.00_1 Calculate windows/subsets/pages of arrays
p5-Authen-SASL-2.10_1 Perl5 module for SASL authentication
p5-B-Keywords-1.08  Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names,1    Simple Common Gateway Interface Class for Perl
p5-Chart-2.4.1_1    A perl5 interface to build chart graphics
p5-Class-Accessor-0.31 Automated accessor generation
p5-Class-Inspector-1.17_1 Provides information about classes
p5-Clone-0.28       Clone - recursively copy Perl datatypes
p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.008 Low-Level Interface to zlib compression library
p5-Compress-Zlib-2.008 Perl5 interface to zlib compression library
p5-Config-Tiny-2.12 Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible
p5-DBD-Pg-1.49      Provides access to PostgreSQL databases through the DBI
p5-DBD-mysql-4.006  MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
p5-DBI-1.60.1       The perl5 Database Interface.  Required for DBD::* modules
p5-Data-Dumper-2.121 Stringified perl data structures, suitable for both printin
p5-Date-Manip-5.44  Perl5 module containing date manipulation routines
p5-Devel-Symdump-2.0800 A perl5 module that dumps symbol names or the symbol table
p5-Digest-1.15      Modules that calculate message digests
p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01 Perl5 interface to HMAC Message-Digest Algorithms
p5-Digest-MD5-2.36  Perl5 interface to the MD5 algorithm
p5-Digest-SHA1-2.11 Perl interface to the SHA-1 Algorithm
p5-Email-Address-1.88.9 RFC 2822 Address Parsing and Creation
p5-Email-MIME-1.861 Easy MIME message parsing
p5-Email-MIME-ContentType-1.01.4 Parse a MIME Content-Type Header
p5-Email-MIME-Encodings-1.311 A unified interface to MIME encoding and decoding
p5-Email-MIME-Modifier-1.442 Modify Email::MIME Objects Easily
p5-Email-MessageID-1.351 Generate world unique message-ids
p5-Email-Send-2.192 Email::Send - Simply Sending Email
p5-Email-Simple-2.00.3 Simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers
p5-Encode-2.24      Provides interfaces between strings and the rest of the sys
p5-Encode-Detect-1.00 An Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of d
p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.22_1 Compile and link C code for Perl modules
p5-ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.19 Converts Perl XS code into C code
p5-File-Remove-1.40 Perl5 module to easily removes files and directories
p5-File-Temp-0.20   Perl5 module to generate temporary files or directories saf
p5-File-Which-0.05  Portable implementation of `which' in Perl
p5-GD-2.35_1        A perl5 interface to Gd Graphics Library version2
p5-GD-Graph-1.44.01_1 Graph plotting module for perl5
p5-GD-TextUtil-0.86_1 Text utilities for use with GD drawing package
p5-GSSAPI-0.26      Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library
p5-Getopt-Long-2.37 Perl module for extended processing of command line options
p5-Gtk-0.7009_3     The base module of Gtk-Perl
p5-HTML-Parser-3.56_1 Perl5 module for parsing HTML documents
p5-HTML-Scrubber-0.08 Perl extension for scrubbing/sanitizing html
p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20 Some useful data table in parsing HTML
p5-Hook-LexWrap-0.20 Lexically scoped subroutine wrappers for Perl
p5-IO-Compress-Base-2.008 Base Class for IO::Uncompress modules
p5-IO-Compress-Zlib-2.008 Perl5 interface for reading and writing of (g)zip files
p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.52 Perl module with object interface to AF_INET6 domain socket
p5-IO-Socket-SSL-1.13 Perl5 interface to SSL sockets
p5-IO-String-1.08   Simplified Perl5 module to handle I/O on in-core strings
p5-IO-Zlib-1.09     IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
p5-IO-stringy-2.110 Perl5 module for using IO handles with non-file objects
p5-Image-Size-3.01  Perl5 module to determine the size of images in several com
p5-Inline-0.44      Write Perl subroutines in other programming languages
p5-List-MoreUtils-0.22 Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
p5-MIME-Base64-3.07 Perl5 module for Base64 and Quoted-Printable encodings
p5-MIME-Types-1.23  Perl extension for determining MIME types
p5-MP3-Info-1.23    Manipulate / fetch info from MP3 audio files
p5-Mail-SpamAssassin-3.2.4_3 A highly efficient mail filter for identifying spam
p5-Mail-Tools-2.02  Perl5 modules for dealing with Internet e-mail messages
p5-Math-BigInt-1.87 Math::BigInt - Arbitrary size integer math package
p5-Module-Build-0.28.08_2 Build and install Perl modules
p5-Module-Pluggable-3.8 Automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
p5-Net-1.22,1       Perl5 modules to access and use network protocols
p5-Net-CIDR-Lite-0.20 Perl extension for merging IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR addresses
p5-Net-DNS-0.63     Perl5 interface to the DNS resolver, and dynamic updates
p5-Net-IP-1.25      Perl extension for manipulating IPv4/IPv6 addresses
p5-Net-SSLeay-1.30_1 Perl5 interface to SSL
p5-Number-Compare-0.01 Numeric comparisons
p5-OLE-Storage_Lite-0.16 Perl module for OLE document interface
p5-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-0.03_1 Manipulate / fetch info from Ogg-Vorbis audio files
p5-PDF-Create-0.08  A perl script to convert text files to PDF files
p5-PPI-1.201        Analyze and manipulate Perl code without using perl itself
p5-Params-Util-0.31 Utility functions to aid in parameter checking
p5-Parse-RecDescent-1.95.1 A recursive descent parsing framework for Perl
p5-Parse-Syslog-1.10 Perl5 routines that present a simple interface to parse sys
p5-Parse-Yapp-1.05  Perl extension for generating and using LALR parsers
p5-PatchReader-0.9.5 Perl module with utilities to read and manipulate patches a
p5-PathTools-3.2701 A Perl module for portably manipulating file specifications
p5-Perl-Critic-1.08.0 Critique Perl source for style and standards
p5-Perl6-Junction-1.30000_1 Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5
p5-Pod-Coverage-0.19 Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
p5-Pod-Escapes-1.04 For resolving Pod E<...> sequences
p5-Pod-Parser-1.35  Modules to work with POD (Plain Old Documentation)
p5-Pod-Simple-3.05  Framework for parsing Pod
p5-Readonly-1.03_1  Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes
p5-Regexp-Common-2.120 Regexp::Common - Provide commonly requested regular express
p5-Return-Value-1.302 Return::Value - Polymorphic Return Values
p5-SGMLSpm-1.03     Perl module for postprocessing the output from sgmls and ns
p5-Scalar-List-Utils-1.19,1 Perl subroutines that would be nice to have in the perl cor
p5-Socket6-0.20     IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure m
p5-Spiffy-0.30      Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You
p5-Storable-2.18    Persistency for perl data structures
p5-String-Format-1.14 Perl module for sprintf-like string formatting capability
p5-String-ShellQuote-1.03 Perl module for quote strings for passing through the shell
p5-Sub-Uplevel-0.1901 Sub::Uplevel - apparently run a function in a higher stack 
p5-Sys-Hostname-Long-1.4 Try every conceivable way to get full hostname
p5-Template-GD-2.66 Template Toolkit plugin to interface with GD modules
p5-Template-Toolkit-2.19 Extensive Toolkit for template processing
p5-Term-ANSIColor-1.12 Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
p5-Term-ReadKey-2.30 A perl5 module for simple terminal control
p5-Test-Base-0.54_1 Test::Base - A Data Driven Testing Framework
p5-Test-ClassAPI-1.04 Provides basic first-pass API testing for large class trees
p5-Test-Harness-3.10 Run perl standard test scripts with statistics
p5-Test-Number-Delta-1.03 Compare the difference between two numbers within a specifi
p5-Test-Perl-Critic-1.01 Use Perl::Critic in test programs
p5-Test-Pod-1.26    Check for POD errors in files
p5-Test-Pod-Coverage-1.08 Check for pod coverage in your distribution
p5-Test-Simple-0.78 Basic utilities for writing tests in perl
p5-Test-SubCalls-1.07 Track the number of times subs are called
p5-Text-Balanced-2.0.0_1 Extract delimited text sequences from strings
p5-Text-Diff-0.35   Text::Diff - Perform diffs on files and record sets
p5-Text-Glob-0.08   Match globbing patterns against text
p5-Text-Tabs+Wrap-2006.1117 Line wrapping to form simple paragraphs
p5-TimeDate-1.16,1  Perl5 module containing a better/faster date parser for abs
p5-UNIVERSAL-require-0.11 Perl module to require() from a variable
p5-URI-1.35         Perl5 interface to Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) refere
p5-XML-DOM-1.44     Perl module for building DOM Level 1 compliant document str
p5-XML-NamespaceSupport-1.09_1 A simple generic namespace support class
p5-XML-Parser-2.36  Perl extension interface to James Clark's XML parser, expat
p5-XML-RegExp-0.03  Regular expressions for XML tokens
p5-XML-SAX-0.16     Simple API for XML
p5-XML-SAX-Expat-0.39 Simple API for XML
p5-XML-Simple-2.18  Trivial API for reading and writing XML (esp config files)
p5-XML-Writer-0.604 A simple Perl module for writing XML documents
p5-XML-XQL-0.68     Perl module for querying XML tree structures with XQL
p5-YAML-0.66        YAML implementation in Perl
p5-gettext-1.05_1   Message handling functions
p5-libwww-5.805     Perl5 library for WWW access
p5-libxml-0.08      Collection of Perl5 modules for working with XML
p5-type1inst-0.6.1_5 A script that helps install Postscript fonts in X Window Sy
p5-version-0.74     Perl extension for Version Objects
p7zip-4.57          File archiver with high compression ratio
pango-1.20.0        An open-source framework for the layout and rendering of i1
patch-2.5.4         GNU patch utility
patchutils-0.2.31   A small collection of programs that operate on patch files
pcf2bdf-1.04        Convert X font from PCF to BDF
pciids-20080312     Database of all known ID's used in PCI devices
pcre-7.6            Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
pdflib-7.0.2        A C library for dynamically generating PDF
pdftk-1.12_1        A simple tool for doing everyday things with PDF documents
pdftohtml-0.39_2    A command-line tool for converting pdf-files into html
pear-1.7.1          PEAR framework for PHP
perl-5.8.8_1        Practical Extraction and Report Language
perltidy-20071205   Indents and reformats Perl scripts to make them easier to r
pfbtopfa-1.0        Convert PFB files to the PFA format
pgp-2.6.3i_1        PGP International version - Public-Key encryption for the m
pgtop-0.04          Display PostgreSQL performance info like top(1)
php5-5.2.5_1        PHP Scripting Language
php5-pcre-5.2.5_1   The pcre shared extension for php
php5-pgsql-5.2.5_1  The pgsql shared extension for php
php5-session-5.2.5_1 The session shared extension for php
php5-xml-5.2.5_1    The xml shared extension for php
php_doc-de-20080318 PHP documentation in HTML
phppgadmin-4.1.3    Web Based Postgres Administration
physfs-1.0.1_1      A library to provide abstract access to various archives
pilot-link-0.12.2,1 Suite of tools used to connect and sync your Palm handled
pinentry-qt-0.7.3_1 QT version of the gnupg password dialog
pingus-0.7.2_1      Free Lemmings-like game
pixman-0.9.6        Low-level pixel manipulation library
pkg-config-0.23_1   A utility to retrieve information about installed libraries
pkg_cutleaves-20080320 Interactive script for deinstalling 'leaf' packages
pkg_install-20060113 FreeBSD -CURRENT version of the pkg tools for older system 
pkg_remove-1.1      Utility to uninstall packages
pkg_rmleaves-20050922 Interactive script for deinstalling 'leaf' packages
pkg_trackinst-1.2.3 PkgDB/pkg-plist generator by tracking installation
pkg_tree-1.1_1      Get a 'graphical' tree-overview of installed packages
planner-0.14.2_4    Project management application for GNOME 2
plotutils-2.5_1     A plotting library and toolkit
plugger-5.1.3_5     A multimedia front-end plugin for Mozilla or Opera
png-1.2.25          Library for manipulating PNG images
pngcheck-2.3.0      Checks the integrity of PNG images
policykit-0.7_4     Framework for controlling access to system-wide components
policykit-gnome-0.7_3 GNOME frontend to the PolicKit framework
poppler-0.6.4       A PDF rendering library
poppler-data-0.2.0  Poppler encoding data
poppler-gtk-0.6.4   Gtk bindings to poppler
poppler-qt-0.6.4    Qt bindings to poppler
popt-1.7_4          A getopt(3) like library with a number of enhancements, fro
portaudio-18.1_2    Portable cross-platform Audio API
portaudit-0.5.12    Checks installed ports against a list of security vulnerabi
portaudit-db-0.2.3_1 Creates a portaudit database from a current ports tree
portcheckout-2.0    Checkout and build ports and all depending ports
portdowngrade-0.6   Sets a port back to a previous version
porteasy-2.8.4      A tool for fetching and building ports
portell-0.2_1       Quick display of FreeBSD port descriptions
portlet-api-1.0_1   The Portlet API (JSR-168)
portlint-2.9.8      A verifier for FreeBSD port directory
portscanner-1.2_1   A simple and easy to use TCP port scanner
portupgrade-2.4.3_2,2 FreeBSD ports/packages administration and management tool s
postgresql-client-8.1.11 PostgreSQL database (client)
postgresql-contrib-8.1.11 The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
postgresql-docs-8.1.11 The PostgreSQL documentation set
postgresql-jdbc-8.3.603 The Java JDBC implementation for PostgreSQL
postgresql-libpqxx-2.6.9 A new C++ interface for PostgreSQL
postgresql-server-8.1.11 The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
postgresql_autodoc-1.30 Automatic documentation generator for postgresql databases
ppantsfonts-0.7_2   A set of small angular fonts
printproto-1.0.3    Print extension headers
procmail-3.22_6     A local mail delivery agent
psiconv-0.9.8_1     A conversion utility to convert Psion 5(MX) files into othe
pstoedit-3.45       Convert PostScript to other vector graphic formats
pstotext-1.8g_1     A PostScript to Text converter
pstree-2.32         List processes as a tree
psutils-a4-1.17_2   Utilities for manipulating PostScript documents
pth-2.0.7           GNU Portable Threads
pwg-0.2_5           A small tool to generate secure, random passwords
py25-cairo-1.4.0_1  Python bindings for Cairo
py25-game-1.7.1_4   A module designed to write games in Python
py25-gnome-2.22.0   A set of Python bindings for GNOME 2
py25-gobject-2.14.1 Python bindings for GObject
py25-gtk-2.12.1     A set of Python bindings for GTK+
py25-imaging-1.1.6_2 The Python Imaging Library
py25-libxml2-2.6.31 Python interface for XML parser library for GNOME
py25-mx-base-2.0.6  The eGenix mx-Extension Series for Python
py25-numeric-24.2   The Numeric Extension to Python
py25-orbit-2.14.3   Python bindings for ORBit2
py25-pyPgSQL-2.5.1_2 A Python DB-API 2 compliant library for using PostgreSQL da
py25-pysqlite-2.0.7_1 A DB-API v2 Python library for the SQLite 3 embedded SQL en
py25-tkinter-2.5.2_2 Python bindings to the Tk widget set
py25-xml-0.8.4      PyXML: Python XML library enhancements
python-2.5,2        The "meta-port" for the default version of Python interpret
python24-2.4.5      An interpreted object-oriented programming language
python25-2.5.2_1    An interpreted object-oriented programming language
qca-tls-1.0_3       SSL/TLS plugin for Qt
qdvdauthor-1.0.0_1  QT graphical frontend for dvdauthor
qmake-3.3.8_1       The build utility of the Qt project
qscintilla-1.7.1_2  QT port of the Scintilla C++ editor class
qt-copy-3.3.8_6     Multiplatform C++ application framework (+ KDE patches)
randrproto-1.2.1    Randr extension headers
rar-3.71,2          File archiver (binary port)
rarian-0.8.0        An OMF help system based on the Freedesktop specification
razor-agents-2.84   A distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filtering 
re2c-0.12.1         Compile regular expression to C (much faster final code tha
recordproto-1.13.2  RECORD extension headers
renderproto-0.9.3   RenderProto protocol headers
resourceproto-1.0.2 Resource extension headers
rgb-1.0.1           Uncompile an rgb corl-name database
rkhunter-1.3.0      Rootkit detection tool
rpm-3.0.6_13        The Red Hat Package Manager
rpm2cpio-1.2_2      Convert .rpm files for extraction with /usr/bin/cpio, needs
rstart-1.0.2        Sample implementation of a Remote Start client
rtc-2004.02.24.1_8  Kernel module which provides /dev/rtc device support
rtf2latex-1.5       A filter that converts RTF (MS Rich Text Format) into LaTeX
ruby-,1  An object-oriented interpreted scripting language
ruby18-bdb-0.6.2    Ruby interface to Sleepycat's Berkeley DB revision 2 or lat
ruby18-deplate-0.8.1 Ruby tool for converting wiki-like markup
samba-libsmbclient-3.0.28 Shared libs from the samba package
sane-backends-1.0.19 API for access to scanners, digitals camera, frame grabbers
sane-frontends-1.0.14_3 Tools for access to scanners, digitals camera, frame grabbe
saxon-devel-,1 An XSLT 2.0 / XPath 2.0 / XQuery 1.0 processor for Java
scons-0.97          A build tool alternative to make
scr2png-1.2_1       Converts the output of "vidcontrol -p" to PNG
scr2txt-1.2         Converts the output of "vidcontrol -p" to text
scribus-    A comprehensive desktop publishing program
scripts-1.0.1       Various X related scripts
scrnsaverproto-1.1.0 ScrnSaver extension headers
scrot-0.8_2         A screen capture utility that utilizes Imlib2
sdd-1.52            Faster and improved version of dd
sdl-1.2.13_1,2      Cross-platform multimedia development API
sdl_image-1.2.6     A simple library to load images of various formats as SDL s
sdl_mixer-1.2.8_1   A sample multi-channel audio mixer library
sdl_pango-0.1.2_3   SDL_Pango is the SDL API to the Pango text rendering engine
sdl_ttf-2.0.9       A library to use TrueType fonts to render text in SDL appli
sdocbook-xml-1.1,1  "Simplified" DocBook XML DTD
seamonkey-1.1.8     The open source, standards compliant web browser
seq2-0.2_1          A clone of the UNIX(tm) program called seq
servlet-api-2.5_2   The Servlet API
sessreg-1.0.3       Manage utmp/wtmp entries for non-init X clients
setxkbmap-1.0.4     Set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension
sgifonts-1.0.1_1    Fonts from the SGI ProPack 1.4 (originally for Linux)
shared-mime-info-0.23_1 A MIME type database from the FreeDesktop project
showfont-1.0.1_1    Font dumper for the X font server
smartmontools-5.38  S.M.A.R.T. disk monitoring tools
smarty-2.6.19       The PHP compiling template engine
smpeg-0.4.4_8       A free MPEG1 video player library with sound support
smproxy-1.0.2       Session Manager Proxy
sox-14.0.1          SOund eXchange - universal sound sample translator
spamass-milter-0.3.1_3 Sendmail Milter (mail filter) plugin for SpamAssassin
spamass-rules-20060927 Custom rulesets for SpamAssassin
spandsp-0.0.3       Fax DSP library for Asterisk
speex-1.2.b2,1      An open-source patent-free voice codec
spidermonkey-1.5_3  A standalone JavaScript interpreter from the Mozilla projec
sqlite3-3.4.1       An SQL database engine in a C library w/ Tcl wrapper
startup-notification-0.9_1 Library that supports startup notification spec from freede
strace-4.5.7        A portable process tracer
streamanalyze-0.4_1 Shrink-factor calculator for StreamDVD
streamdvd-0.4_1     A fast tool to backup Video DVDs 'on the fly'
subclipse-1.2.4     A subversion plugin for the Eclipse IDE Framework
subtitleripper-0.3.4_2 Convert DVD subtitles into text format (subrip srt) or VobS
subversion-1.4.6    Version control system
sudo-       Allow others to run commands as root
sudsol-0.1          A utility to solve Sudoku puzzles
supertux-0.1.3_3    Super Tux is a side-scroller similar to Super Mario Brother
svgalib-1.4.3_5     A low level console graphics library
swig-1.3.34         Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
swish-e-2.4.5       Simple web indexing for humans - enhanced
swt-         Standard Widget Toolkit for Java
t1lib-5.1.2,1       A Type 1 Rasterizer Library for UNIX/X11
t1utils-1.32        Six utilities for manipulating t1 fonts
taglib-1.4_2        Library for manipulating ID3 tags and Ogg comments
tcl-8.2.3_9         Tool Command Language
tcl-8.3.5_8         Tool Command Language
tcl-8.4.18,1        Tool Command Language
tcmplex-panteltje-0.4.7 Re-write of the A/V multiplexer from the transcode distribu
teTeX-3.0_2         A meta port for teTeX suite
teTeX-base-3.0_12   Thomas Esser's distribution of TeX & friends (binaries)
teTeX-texmf-3.0_5   Thomas Esser's distribution of TeX & friends (texmf tree)
terminus-font-4.20_5 Terminus Font - a clean fixed width font
tex-texmflocal-1.9  Meta-port that creates a site-local $TEXMF directory
texcm-ttf-20010117_3 TeX's Computer Modern Fonts
texi2html-1.76_1,1  Texinfo to HTML converter
texinfo-4.8_5       A typeset documentation system with multiple format output
tgif2tex-2.13_1     Converting texts in figure by tgif to LaTeX commands
thinice-1.0.4_5     A clean-looking GTK Theme Engine
tidy-20000804_2     Fixes and tidies up HTML files
tif22pnm-0.12       Converts TIFF- sampled images to PNM image
tiff-3.8.2_1        Tools and library routines for working with TIFF images
tiff2png-0.91,1     Converts TIFF images to PNG format
tifmerge-1.0        Library to merge TIFF files into multi-page TIFF files
tk-8.2.3_10         Graphical toolkit for TCL
tk-8.3.5_9          Graphical toolkit for TCL
tk-8.4.18,2         Graphical toolkit for TCL
tmake-1.7_3         Extremely portable perl-based make utility
toolame-0.2l_1      Optimized mpeg 1/2 layer 2 audio encoder
transcode-1.0.5_1   A text-console utility for video stream processing
transfig-3.2.5      Tools to convert Xfig's .fig files
trapproto-3.4.3     DEC-XTRAP extension headers
tse3-0.3.1_1        A MIDI library
ttmkfdir-3.0.9_1,1  Create fonts.scale file for use with TrueType font server
tuxpaint-0.9.19_1   Drawing program designed for young children
tuxpaint-stamps-2008.03.01 TuxPaint Stamps
tvbrowser-2.6.3     A digital TV guide
twm-1.0.3_3         Tab Window Manager for the X Window System
ubench-0.32         Unix Benchmark Utility for CPU(s) and memory
unace-1.2b_2        Extract, view & test ACE archives
unarj-2.65_2        Allows files to be extracted from ARJ archives
unix2dos-1.3        Translate ASCII files from DOS (cr/lf) to UNIX (lf)
unixODBC-2.2.12_4   ODBC library suite for Unix
unlzx-1.1           Extracts .lzx archives from Amiga systems
unrar-3.71.b1,5     Extract, view & test RAR archives
unzip-5.52_3        List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
unzoo-4.4_2         A zoo archive extractor
urwfonts-1.0_3      Another font package for X
urwfonts-ttf-1.0.7b18_2 Unicode TrueType fonts from URW extended by Valek Filippov
uudx-2.99           Extractor from uuencoded files
uulib-0.5.20_1      A library for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex/yEnc de-/encoding
v4l_compat-1.0.20060801 Video4Linux compatibility header
vamps-0.99.2_1      High performance tool to transcode DVD videos to a smaller 
vcdimager-0.7.23_3  GNU VCDImager/VCDRip -- The GNU VideoCD Image Maker/Ripping
videoproto-2.2.2    Video extension headers
viewres-1.0.1       Graphical class browser for Xt
vobcopy-1.0.2       Decrypts and copies DVD .vob files
voipong-1.1         Detect Voice Over IP calls and dump them to separate wave f
vorbis-tools-1.2.0,3 Play, encode, and manage Ogg Vorbis files
wavpack-4.41.0      Compress (and restore) both 16 and 24-bit audio files in .w
wdiff-0.5_3         Display word differences between text files
webbench-1.5        Simple forking web benchmark
webcheck-1.0        View structure of a web site, get a list of problems like b
webcrawl-1.10_1     Download web sites without user interaction by following li
webfonts-0.30_3     TrueType core fonts for the Web
weblint-1.020       HTML validator and sanity checker
webresolve-0.2.0_1  Webresolve resolves IP addresses to host names in web log f
webstone-2.5        World wide web server benchmarking
webstone-ssl-2.5    World wide web server benchmarking with SSL support
wget-1.11           Retrieve files from the Net via HTTP and FTP
win32-codecs-3.1.0.r1,1 Huge compilation of Win32 binary video codecs
wine-0.9.58,1       Microsoft Windows compatibility layer for Unix-like systems
wireshark-0.99.8_2  A powerful network analyzer/capture tool
word2x-0.005_2      Converter from MS Word to text, HTML or LaTeX
wv2-0.2.3_1         A library providing routines to access Microsoft Word files
wxgtk2-2.6.3_5      The wxWidgets GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings
wxgtk2-common-2.6.3_3 The wxWidgets GUI toolkit (common files)
wxsvg-1.0.b7.2_1    C++ library to create, manipulate, and render SVG files
x11perf-1.4.1       X11 server performance test program
x264-0.0.20070913   Multimedia library and tool for encoding H.264/AVC video st
xalan-j-2.7.0_1     Apache XSLT processor for transforming XML documents
xauth-1.0.2         X authority file utility
xbacklight-1.1      Program to adjust backlight brightness
xbiff-1.0.1         Mailbox flag for X
xbitmaps-1.0.1      X.Org bitmaps data
xblast-2.9.22_1     Multi-player real-time strategy game for X11
xcalc-1.0.2         Scientific calculator for X
xclipboard-1.0.1    X clipboard client
xclock-1.0.3        Analog and digital clock for X
xcmiscproto-1.1.2   XCMisc extension headers
xcmsdb-1.0.1        Device Color Characterization utility for X
xconsole-1.0.3      Monitor system console messages with X
xcursor-themes-1.0.1_1 cursors themes
xcursorgen-1.0.2    Create an X cursor file from a collection of PNG images
xdbedizzy-1.0.2     Demo of DBE creating a double buffered spinning scene
xdgagrab-0.3_1      Capture an X server screen with a mouse pointer
xditview-1.0.1      Display ditroff output
xdm-1.1.6_3         X.Org X display manager
xdpyinfo-1.0.2_1    Display information utility for X
xdriinfo-1.0.2      Query configuration information of DRI drivers
xdvik-tetex-22.84.10_2 DVI Previewer(kpathsearch) for X
xedit-1.0.2         Simple text editor for X
xenophilia-0.8_3    A theme module to make GTK+ look nicer
xenostep-200011270836_5 A GTK+ theme engine based on the Xenophilia and Interface e
xerces-j-2.9.0_1    XML parser for Java
xev-1.0.2           Print contents of X events
xextproto-7.0.2     XExt extension headers
xeyes-1.0.1         A follow the mouse X demo
xf86-input-acecad-1.2.1 X.Org acecad input driver
xf86-input-calcomp-1.1.1 X.Org calcomp input driver
xf86-input-citron-2.2.1 X.Org citron input driver
xf86-input-digitaledge-1.1.0 X.Org digitaledge input driver
xf86-input-dmc-1.1.1 X.Org dmc input driver
xf86-input-dynapro-1.1.1 X.Org dynapro input driver
xf86-input-elo2300-1.1.1 X.Org elo2300 input driver
xf86-input-elographics-1.1.0 X.Org elographics input driver
xf86-input-fpit-1.1.0 X.Org fpit input driver
xf86-input-hyperpen-1.1.0 X.Org hyperpen input driver
xf86-input-jamstudio-1.1.0 X.Org jamstudio input driver
xf86-input-joystick-1.2.3 X.Org joystick input driver
xf86-input-keyboard-1.2.2_1 X.Org keyboard input driver
xf86-input-magellan-1.1.1 X.Org magellan input driver
xf86-input-magictouch- X.Org magictouch input driver
xf86-input-microtouch-1.1.1 X.Org microtouch input driver
xf86-input-mouse-1.2.3_1 X.Org mouse input driver
xf86-input-mutouch-1.1.0 X.Org mutouch input driver
xf86-input-palmax-1.1.0 X.Org palmax input driver
xf86-input-penmount-1.2.1 X.Org penmount input driver
xf86-input-spaceorb-1.1.1 X.Org spaceorb input driver
xf86-input-summa-1.1.0 X.Org summa input driver
xf86-input-tek4957-1.1.0 X.Org tek4957 input driver
xf86-input-void-1.1.1 X.Org void input driver
xf86-video-apm-1.1.1_1 X.Org apm display driver
xf86-video-ark-0.6.0_1 X.Org ark display driver
xf86-video-ati-6.8.0_1 X.Org ati display driver
xf86-video-chips-1.1.1_1 X.Org chips display driver
xf86-video-cirrus-1.1.0_1 X.Org cirrus display driver
xf86-video-cyrix-1.1.0_1 X.Org cyrix display driver
xf86-video-dummy-0.2.0_1 X.Org dummy display driver
xf86-video-fbdev-0.3.1_1 X.Org fbdev display driver
xf86-video-glint-1.1.1_3 X.Org glint display driver
xf86-video-i128-1.2.1_1 X.Org i128 display driver
xf86-video-i740-1.1.0_1 X.Org i740 display driver
xf86-video-i810-1.7.4 X.Org i810 display driver
xf86-video-imstt-1.1.0_1 X.Org imstt display driver
xf86-video-mga-1.4.7,1 X.Org mga display driver
xf86-video-neomagic-1.1.1_1 X.Org neomagic display driver
xf86-video-newport-0.2.1_1 X.Org newport display driver
xf86-video-nsc-2.8.3 X.Org nsc display driver
xf86-video-nv-2.1.7 X.Org nv display driver
xf86-video-rendition-4.1.3_1 X.Org rendition display driver
xf86-video-s3-0.5.0_1 X.Org s3 display driver
xf86-video-s3virge-1.9.1_1 X.Org s3virge display driver
xf86-video-savage-2.1.3 X.Org savage display driver
xf86-video-siliconmotion-1.5.1 X.Org siliconmotion display driver
xf86-video-sis-0.9.3_2 X.Org sis display driver
xf86-video-tdfx-1.3.0_2 X.Org tdfx display driver
xf86-video-tga-1.1.0_1 X.Org tga display driver
xf86-video-trident-1.2.3_1 X.Org trident display driver
xf86-video-tseng-1.1.1_1 X.Org tseng display driver
xf86-video-vesa-1.3.0_1 X.Org vesa display driver
xf86-video-vga-4.1.0_1 X.Org vga display driver
xf86-video-via-0.2.2_2 X.Org via display driver
xf86-video-vmware-10.15.2 X.Org vmware display driver
xf86-video-voodoo-1.1.1_1 X.Org voodoo display driver
xf86bigfontproto-1.1.2 XFree86-Bigfont extension headers
xf86dga-1.0.2       Test program for the XFree86-DGA extension
xf86dgaproto-2.0.3  XFree86-DGA extension headers
xf86driproto-2.0.3  XFree86-DRI extension headers
xf86miscproto-0.9.2 XFree86-Misc extension headers
xf86rushproto-1.1.2 XFree86-Rush extension headers
xf86vidmodeproto-2.2.2 XFree86-VidModeExtension extension headers
xfd-1.0.1           Display all characters in an X font
xfig-3.2.5_1        A drawing program for X11
xfindproxy-1.0.1    Locate available proxy services
xfontsel-1.0.2      Point and click selection of X11 font names
xforms-1.0_4,1      A graphical user interface toolkit for X Window System
xfs-1.0.5_1,1       X.Org font server
xfsinfo-1.0.1       X font server information utility
xfstt-1.6_1         A TrueType font server for X11
xfwp-1.0.1          X firewall proxy
xgamma-1.0.2        Gamma correction through the X server.
xgc-1.0.1           X graphics demo
xhost-1.0.2         Server access control program for X
xhtml-1.0.20020801_4 W3C's XHTML DTD
xhtml-basic-1.0.20001219_1 W3C's XHTML Basic DTD
xhtml-modularization-1.0.20010410_1 W3C's Modularization of XHTML DTDs and docs
xineramaproto-1.1.2 Xinerama extension headers
xinit-1.0.7         X Window System initializer
xkbcomp-1.0.3       Compile XKB keyboard description
xkbevd-1.0.2        XKB event daemon
xkbprint-1.0.1      Utility for printing an XKB keyboard description
xkbutils-1.0.1_1    XKB utility demos
xkeyboard-config-1.2 X Keyboard Configuration Database
xkill-1.0.1         Utility for killing a client by its X resource
xload-1.0.2         System load average display for X
xlogo-1.0.1         Displays the X Window System logo.
xlsatoms-1.0.1      List interned atoms defined on a server
xlsclients-1.0.1    List client applications running on a display
xlsfonts-1.0.2      Server font list displayer for X
xmag-1.0.2          X application for screen magnifying
xman-1.0.3          Manual page display program for X
xmessage-1.0.2      Display message or query in a X window
xmh-1.0.1           Send and read mail with an X interface to MH
xmlcatmgr-2.2       SGML and XML catalog manager
xmlcharent-0.3_2    XML character entities
xmlenc-0.52_1       Light-weight XML encoding library for Java
xmlindent-0.2.17_1  XML stream reformatter
xmms-1.2.11_2       X Multimedia System -- An audio player with Winamp GUI
xmodmap-1.0.3       Utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappings i
xmore-1.0.1         Plain text display program for X
xorg-7.3_1          X.Org complete distribution metaport
xorg-apps-7.3 apps meta-port
xorg-cf-files-1.0.2_2 cf files for use with imake builds
xorg-docs-1.4,1 documentation files
xorg-drivers-7.3_1 drivers meta-port
xorg-fonts-100dpi-7.3 X.Org 100dpi bitmap fonts
xorg-fonts-7.3 fonts meta-port
xorg-fonts-75dpi-7.3 X.Org 75dpi bitmap fonts
xorg-fonts-cyrillic-7.3 X.Org Cyrillic bitmap fonts
xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps-7.3 X.Org miscellaneous bitmap fonts
xorg-fonts-truetype-7.3 X.Org TrueType fonts
xorg-fonts-type1-7.3 X.Org Type1 fonts
xorg-libraries-7.3_1 libraries meta-port
xorg-nestserver-1.4_1,1 Nesting X server from X.Org
xorg-protos-7.3 protos meta-port
xorg-server-1.4_6,1 X.Org X server and related programs
xorg-vfbserver-1.4_1,1 X virtual framebuffer server from X.Org
xp-0.5_3            An XML parser written in Java
xpdf-3.02_6         Display PDF files, and convert them to other formats
xphelloworld-1.0.1_1 Sends a test page to an Xprint printer
xpi-flashblock-1.5.5 Replaces Flash objects with a button you can click to view 
xpi-locale-switcher-2.1 Provides a convenient menu item to switch between installed
xpi-pdf_download- An extension to handle PDF files
xpi-wmlbrowser-0.7.17 WML implementation
xplsprinters-1.0.1  Shows a list of Xprint printers
xpr-1.0.2           Utility for printing an X window dump
xprehashprinterlist-1.0.1 Recomputes the list of available printers.
xprop-1.0.3         Property displayer for X
xproto-7.0.10_1     X11 protocol headers
xproxymanagementprotocol-1.0.2 X Proxy Management Protocol headers
xrandr-1.2.2        Primitive command line interface to the RandR extension
xrdb-1.0.4          X server resource database utility
xrefresh-1.0.2      Refresh all or part of an X screen
xrx-1.0.1_1         RX helper program
xsane-0.995_1       Gtk-based X11 frontend for SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy)
xset-1.0.3          User preference utility for X
xsetmode-1.0.0      Set the mode for an X Input Device
xsetpointer-1.0.1   Set an X Input device as the main pointer
xsetroot-1.0.2      root window parameter setting utility for X
xslint-005          XSL(T) stylesheet checker
xsm-1.0.1           X Session Manager
xstdcmap-1.0.1      X standard colormap utility
xt-20020426a_1      XSL Transformations (XSLT) implementation in Java
xterm-234           Terminal emulator for the X Window System
xtrans-1.0.4        Abstract network code for X
xtrap-1.0.2         XTrap sample clients for X
xulrunner- Mozilla runtime package that can be used to bootstrap XUL+X
xv-3.10a_7          An X11 program that displays images of various formats
xvid-1.1.3,1        An opensource MPEG-4 codec, based on OpenDivx
xvid4conf-1.12_1    XviD configuration panel for transcode
xvidtune-1.0.1      Video mode tuner for X
xview-3.2.1_9       X Window-System-based Visual/Integrated Environment for Wor
xvinfo-1.0.2        Print out X-Video extension adaptor information
xwd-1.0.1           Dump an image of an X window
xwininfo-1.0.3      Window information utility for X
xwud-1.0.1          Image displayer for X
xxl-1.0.1_1         C/C++ library for exception handling and asset management
y4mscaler-9.0_2     Y4mscaler scales, crops, and shifts Y'CbCr video
zip-2.32            Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzip
zoo-2.10.1_2        Manipulate archives of files in compressed form

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