OOo in one big single package?

Heino Tiedemann rotkaps_spam_trap at
Sun Jun 17 16:51:00 UTC 2007


now we see, the the new xorg v7 is splited into a lot of small parts.

Isn't it an idea for OOo to go the same way? Why is OOo such a big,
single package on FreeBSD?

On some Unix/Linux Systems, e.g. debin GNU Linux, OOo comes in
several, small pieces.

There is an OOo-core-package which installs the core-funktionallity,
and the others base on it.

Just think smart: E.g.: You often use OOo-writer and OOo-impress, und
sometimes calc.

You rarely use OOo-draw, OOo-math or OOo-base. So why You should
install all those?

Just an idea


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