Problem with Openoffice 2.0.2 on FreeBSD 6.1

Rob Hurle rob at
Tue Jul 18 07:50:19 UTC 2006

Dear All,

	I tried doing a pkg_add with OOo 2.0, but it refused, needing
other packages and so I decided to build.  (Sorry, I can't now
remember where I got that package from).  The build was
straightforward, but took a while.  Before building, I made sure to
build java (jdk1.5.0) and to cvsup the ports.  The knobs I used were:


The "WITHOUT_MOZILLA" was because it first started to download an
earlier version of Mozilla than that which is already installed.  I'm
not sure about the Java since I know very little about Java - I had
thought that jdk1.5.0 was native for FreeBSD, but I'm now not so sure.
Also, I noticed today that there was a file called "" in the
/usr/local/jdk1.5.0 directory that I had not noticed nor unzipped
before the build.  I have now unzipped that file and pointed OOo to
the jdk1.5.0 version (under "Tools - Preferences").

	That's the background, here is the problem.  OOo2.0.2 works
well and is a great improvement over its predecessor, StarOffice 5.2.
However, in trying to open almost any document not made by OOo2.0.2 I
get "General error - General I/O error".  I can open some documents
(e.g. spreadsheets) by inserting them, but others (e.g. StarWriter
files, MS Office documents) can not be opened at all.

	I am sure that I have done something wrong in the build, but
what is it and how can I undo it or redo it?

Thanks for your help,

Rob Hurle
	Rob Hurle		Faculty of Asian Studies, ANU
	Home address and contacts:	 Tel: +61 2 6247 2397
	  PO Box 4013			 Fax: +61 2 6247 2397
	  Ainslie		     Cell phone: 0417 293 603
	  Australia		e-mail: rob at

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