2.0.2rc2 build fails on i386 6.1-PRERELEASE

Andrea Venturoli ml.diespammer at netfence.it
Sat Feb 25 08:47:56 PST 2006


It's been probably a month now since I'm trying everything possible to 
build the 2.0 port without success.
I've tried upgrading the base system, the port tree and jdk, but I keep 
getting errors.
It all started with the introduction of jdk1.4p8, then, as I upgraded 
everything in order to keep trying I've got several different errors: 
each time I could solve one, I got another.

The latest is:

> ... cleaning the output tree ...
> ... removing directory /usr/local/local/storage/tmp/usr/ports/editors/openoffice.org-2.0/work/OOB680_m2/instsetoo_native/unxfbsd.pro/OpenOffice_SDK/bsd/zip/en-US ...
> **************************************************
> ERROR: ERROR: "epm -f bsd openoffice.org-sdk /usr/local/local/storage/tmp/usr/ports/editors/openoffice.org-2.0/work/OOB680_m2/instsetoo_native/unxfbsd.pro/OpenOffice_SDK/bsd/listfile/en-US/epm_OpenOffice_SDK_gid_Module_Root_unxfbsd_OOB680__en-US.lst -v  2>&1 |"!
> in function: call_epm
> **************************************************
> **************************************************
> ERROR: Saved logfile: /usr/local/local/storage/tmp/usr/ports/editors/openoffice.org-2.0/work/OOB680_m2/instsetoo_native/unxfbsd.pro/OpenOffice_SDK/bsd/logging/en-US/log_OOB680__en-US.log
> **************************************************
> Sat Feb 25 12:49:26 2006 (14:09 min.)
> dmake:  Error code 255, while making 'sdkoo_en-US.bsd'
> '---* tg_merge.mk *---'
> ERROR: Error 65280 occurred while making /usr/local/local/storage/tmp/usr/ports/editors/openoffice.org-2.0/work/OOB680_m2/instsetoo_native/util
> dmake:  Error code 1, while making 'build_instsetoo_native'
> '---* *---'
> *** Error code 255
> Stop in /usr/ports/editors/openoffice.org-2.0.

My favourite configuration would be:


(the first actually being of importance to jdk, rather than OO itself).
However I tried enabling/disabling these in every possible combination.

In case it matters, these are my installed jdk ports:
> jdk-1.4.2p8_3       Java Development Kit 1.4.2
> jdk-1.5.0p2_5       Java Development Kit 1.5.0
> linux-sun-jdk- Sun Java Development Kit 1.4 for Linux

I obviously searched on this mailing list and with google, but I found 
many questions and almost no answer.

Can anyone help me?

BTW, I didn't try WITHOUT_MOZILLA, since I'm not sure I understand what 
it implies.


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