in reply to : [BUG] localized OOo causes compilation error
Gregory Nou
gregorynou at
Mon Oct 10 11:06:40 PDT 2005
I investigate the problem today, and found a beginning of solution on
Apparently, it comes from a bug in OOo which was ignored by libxml,
until a recent time.
This is due to the fact that you cannot use variables in match strings.
They even suggest a dirty patch, but it works,... (to make it short :
delete $ at line 87 : "$locale" becomes "locale")
To avoid bad surprises, I changed the fallback-locale at line 73.
Gregory Nou wrote:
> Exactly same problem here :
> -------------+ creating locale dependent resource bundles
> mkdir -p ../../
> /usr/local/bin/xsltproc -o
> ../../ \
> --stringparam locale de \
> ../../util/resource.xsl org/openoffice/Inet.xcs
> XPath error : Undefined variable
> compilation error: file ../../util/resource.xsl line 87 element template
> Failed to compile predicate
> XPath error : Undefined variable
> compilation error: file ../../util/resource.xsl line 87 element template
> Failed to compile predicate
> dmake: Error code 5, while making
> '../../'
> ---* TG_SLO.MK *---
> ERROR: Error 65280 occurred while making
> /usr/ports/editors/
> dmake: Error code 1, while making 'build_all'
> ---* TG_SLO.MK *---
> *** Error code 255
> Stop in /usr/ports/editors/
> zsh: exit 1 make LOCALIZED_LANG=fr -DWITHOUT_JAVA
> freebsd 7.0 from yesterday, cvsup from yesterday (in fact, everything
> from yesterday...)
> Still, I'm experiencing this problem for at least on month. (was already
> on 7.0)
> (in case of reply, please add me in cc)
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