Excessive dependancies for OpenOffice 2.0 port

Volker Quetschke quetschke at scytek.de
Mon Nov 7 10:51:55 PST 2005

I will leave it to the actual FreeBSD maintainers to comment on the
first (snipped) part.

> There are also issues with Java on 64-bit platforms (or with jdk-1.5?), so I'm 
> doing the --without-java here for now. We are all truly fortunate, that 
> Java's licensing prevents OOo from bundling their own version with their 
> source code...
> (dmake's license prohibits it too, BTW, but Sun/OOo did not care).

But where do you see license problems with dmake?

Every source file of the dmake package contains:

--      Copyright (c) 1996,1997 by WTI Corp.  All rights reserved.
--      This program is NOT free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--      modify it under the terms of the Software License Agreement Provided
--      in the file <distribution-root>/readme/license.txt.

and that license.txt is GPL Version 1, February 1989. It's not BSD license,
so what? Is GNU make illegal too?

Please refrain from posting uninformed and false accusations.


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