Odd message

Michael L. Squires mikes at siralan.org
Sat Nov 5 14:09:05 PST 2005

On Sat, 5 Nov 2005, Anthony M. Agelastos wrote:

> Hello guys,
> OOo 2.0 finally finished building. When I run it now, I get the message
> I18N: Operating system doesn't support locale "en_US"

A Google search revealed that


suggested that I might want to "set the environment 
LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1" which I did using

setenv LC_ALL en_US.ISO8859-1

in my .cshrc, I use "tcsh".

This eliminated the message, but OO 2.0RC3 and FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE are not 
yet agreeing on languages - I got some errors that "en" was not a 
recongized language when viewing the help pages.

The message I got viewing the "XML" entry in the help system was

Warning [code:465] 
[line:430] [node:element '<xsl:apply-templates>']
   international sorting unavailable on this system - sorting naively
Warning [code:464]
[line:430] [node:element '<xsl:apply-templates>']
   unsupported language 'en'

The source tarball is RC3 dated 10/14/2005.

I had to change from the usual linux_base-8 to SUSE 9.3 to get the jdk to 
compile (no idea why), replace bison with bison-devel, and install 
NET:SMTP.pm in order to get OpenOffice 2.0RC3 to compile (this system 
started life as a 5.21-RELEASE system, so I don't know if this is 
representative of a 5.4-RELEASE system upgraded to -STABLE).


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