ports/77290: OOo2 moz needs GTK2

Adam Weinberger adamw at magnesium.net
Sun Jun 19 10:54:56 GMT 2005

NAKATA Maho wrote:
> In Message-ID: <42B4DF00.5090109 at magnesium.net> 
> Adam Weinberger <adamw at magnesium.net> wrote:
>>Maho Nakata wrote:
>>>Synopsis: OOo2 moz needs GTK2
>>>State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
>>>State-Changed-By: maho
>>>State-Changed-When: Sun Jun 19 02:36:57 GMT 2005
>>>Gtk1 is needed since libIDL dependency, but OOo2 still
>>>needs gtk2 and mozilla is happy with gtk2, so dependency of
>>>gtk1 and orbit are now redundant.
>>libIDL shouldn't be necessary. libIDL2 should supersede the need for 
>>libIDL... IMO OO's mozilla should be trained to use gtk20 and ignore 
>>gtk12, and the gtk12/glib12/libidl dependencies should be removed if 
> Mozilla1.7 requires libIDL 0.6 or 0.8. but libIDL2 doesn't supersede
> libIDL in this case. I'm not sure these functionality difference but
> configure checks libIDL's version. so libIDL dependency for mozilla
> compilation can still exists. Why I said `can still exists' ?  mozilla
> connectivity doesn't depend on gtk1,2 but building mozilla requires one of
> them. I would like to reduce the dependency so I once tried to reduce the
> requirement of from gtk2 to xlib, but in this case we need libIDL and not
> libIDL2. We need libIDL and it requires gtk1.
> Thanks for your comment. My commit log was wrong. correct one is
> since gtk1 is needed libIDL dependency,
> but OOo2 of moz project build with gtk2 (and this is the default)
> so dependency of gtk1 and orbit are now redundant

First of all, I don't know what I was talking about: there is no 
libIDL2. So please ignore that whole part of my previous email ::P

But, second of all: libIDL does not require gtk12. Please look at our 
port Makefile for www/mozilla. We use mozilla-1.7 as well, and we don't 
have gtk12 in there at all. Simply pass its configure 
--enable-default-toolkit=gtk2 and you're good to go.

Please give it a try. mozilla is an entirely-GTK2 project. mozilla-1.7 
does not need gtk12 in any way, shape, or form, and in fact later 
moz-1.7 versions don't have any support for gtk12 at all.

# Adam

Adam Weinberger
adamw at magnesium.net || adamw at FreeBSD.org
adamw at vectors.cx    ||   adamw at gnome.org

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