2.0-devel issues

Mike Durian durian at shadetreesoftware.com
Wed Jun 15 18:56:36 GMT 2005

On Wednesday 15 June 2005 10:29 am, Bartosz Fabianowski wrote:
> I realize I am replying to a really old mail. But I can still observe one of 
the issues described therein with the current 1.9m109 port:
> >>3) My printer additions are not being recorded.  I run spadmin and
> >>   add a printer.  The next time I run spadmin it does not appear.
> The printer settings are stored in the following file:
> /usr/local/openoffice.org1.9m109/share/psprint/psprint.conf
> The problem is that this file gets installed with permissions set to 444
> (read-only). Therefore, the printer administration program cannot edit it.
> One fix would be to set the permissions to 666. But then, any user could
> edit the global printer configuration. Maybe 644 would be a good compromise
> - root could set up printers and other users could only see the
> configuration, not change it. I think that's the way it worked in
> OpenOffice.org 1.1.x.

I reported this bug to OOo.  It's in their bugzilla.  They say there is a
known issue if you run spadmin before running OOo normally.

In my particular case, the psprint directory doesn't even exist (in the 
below my home directory - I didn't check /usr/local).  I checked permissions
off my home directory and everything was fine, with the exception of the
missing psprint directory.


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