2.0-devel, epm, libfltk and libm

Mike Durian durian at shadetreesoftware.com
Mon Jun 6 20:10:37 GMT 2005

I'm trying to build 2.0-devel (m107) and the build process is dying trying to
build epm:

Building project epm
mkdir ./unxfbsd.pro/misc/build/epm-3.7/
mkdir: ./unxfbsd.pro/misc/build/epm-3.7/: File exists
cd ./unxfbsd.pro/misc/build/epm-3.7/ && make  && touch so_built_epm
Linking setup...
/usr/X11R6/lib/libfltk.a(Fl_Valuator.o)(.text+0x116): In function 
: undefined reference to `rint'
[... more missing math functions]

It looks like the epm build is not linking with -lm.

Here's my hypothosis.  I notice the toplevel makefile does not require fltk,
so I'm assuming it is optional.  However, the epm configure script found I
had libfltk installed and decided to use it, but it did not pick up the
libm dependancy.


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