Why OpenOffice 1.1.4 port does not useWITH_TTF_BYTECODE_ENABLED option ?

Mikhail Fedotov mikhail at kittown.com
Wed Feb 2 00:32:22 PST 2005

NAKATA Maho wrote:

>Sorry reply to your e-mail was buried in queue...
That's no problem.

>>I have two bmp files now. The difference is visible for small fonts 
>>(i.e. where it was
>>expected to be visible).
>okay, thank you very much.
They are a bit too big now, I'll extract examples from them and send 
them later today.

>>But I've seen another interesting message on the list from Clarence Chu 
>>--enable-system-freetype option. This option name seems to be incorrect, 
>>the right
>>one should be --with-system-freetype and it should be passed to 
>>configure. Could
>>you please add to Makefile in the port (and to knob file) something like
>>WITH_SYSTEM_FREETYPE option so that it will pass --with-system-freetype
>>to configure (like is does for disabling java) ?
>yes. okay.
I've tried to do use that configure option with manual modifications to 
makefile but on my system build
failed, so I think it is still better to keep the patch included... This 
option might work for someone else, though.


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