GCJ/GIJ OOo status

NAKATA Maho chat95 at mac.com
Fri Dec 9 20:09:41 PST 2005

In Message-ID: <Pine.BSF.4.62.0512040039200.92900 at pulcherrima.dbai.tuwien.ac.at> 
Gerald Pfeifer <gerald at pfeifer.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 3 Dec 2005, NAKATA Maho wrote:
> > I updated my blog entry and ask for your help.
> > with gcc-4.1-20051125, in terms of compilation, there are a
> > lot of improvements. However, gij seems to have a bug but gcj
> > seems to work perfectly, i think this is a FreeBSD specific issue.
> Unfortunately, we'll have to disable the libjava builds with the next 
> update of the gcc41 port that I'm going to commit shortly since building 
> libjava now consumes insane amounts of memory.
> (See <http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2005-12/msg00046.html>.)
> Can you also reproduce this problem, if you enable libgcj again?

I checked with 20051209 version but coundn't reproduced.
however this also happens with OOo with gij build. consume ~1G of memory
at gcj-dbtools..

-- NAKATA, Maho (maho at FreeBSD.org)

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