OOo 2.0.0_1 and gnome 2.12 and freebsd 6.0

Bartosz Fabianowski freebsd at
Tue Dec 6 10:29:43 PST 2005

> I compiled OOo from freebsd ports and after installation I haven't
> in gnome menu the shortcuts for programs in location

Unfortunately, desktop integration has been broken for ages and nobody 
has stepped forward to fix it yet :(. It's the same deal for KDE users:

No icons, .desktop files containing wrong commands and not getting 
installed, psprint.conf file write-protected...

If I knew where to find the icons (they don't even seem to be in the 
source tarball), I could try writing a patch for the port. But without 
the icons, it's hardly worth it :(.

- Bartosz

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