[ports-i386@FreeBSD.org: da-ooodict-DK-1.20050518 failed on i386 6]

Kirill Ponomarew krion at voodoo.oberon.net
Mon Aug 15 07:54:47 GMT 2005

On Mon, Aug 15, 2005 at 10:20:03AM +0900, NAKATA Maho wrote:
> Dear portmgr,
> I recieved many :) e-mails that ooodict related ports are
> broken at the moment.
> ooodict-all has many zip files as distfiles, and they are just
> dictionary/hypen/thesoras data. I cannot check exactly what
> have been updated, but I'm quite sure this is just update of
> such data, and there are no security risk.
> could you please approve my commit?

Generally we can't approve fixes if we don't know what changes were
done in tarballs, knowing such info would be good.  But if you
assure these are only dictionary/hypen/thesoras changes, I approve


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