Openoffice 1.1.5 problem...

NAKATA Maho chat95 at
Tue Aug 2 02:12:30 GMT 2005

In Message-ID: <42EB9837.7010306 at> 
"Carlos F. A. Paniago" <pan at> wrote:

> I compiled (in two diferentes machines) openoffice using the 
> brazilian-portuguese language. In boths machines compilation was ok. 
> Intalation was ok, but at the end it dump cores. After that each time we 
> call the OO, it say that file ...1.1.5/user/config/soffice.cfg is 
> missing. If we touch this file everything works ok. Someone else with 
> the same problem?

i assume you are using FBSD 4.
please apply rtld patch and rebuild whole ooo.
-- NAKATA, Maho (maho at

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